Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

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Best Buy has invested millions to renovate several stores within the Chicagoland area. As a Best Buy blogger, I was compensated to create this post. All opinions are my own. Orland Park is one of the Best Buy locations that has been revamped. As frequent shoppers at that location, Mike and I were eager to see the changes.

Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

Best Buy Renovations in Orland Park

Upon entering the building, we could tell right away that major renovations had taken place. The store appeared bigger and much more spacious. The layout made everything look more open and easy to find. Our first stop was the kitchen area since we are in the market for a new refrigerator. The appliance section is a lot larger with many more on display. Several helpful employees were available to answer our questions.

Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

Next we moved into a dangerous territory – the TV section. Mike wants to buy new TV’s all of the time. Of course, we don’t, but it’s tempting. With the new 4K technology and curved screens, it would be easy to cave in and buy one. Plus, Best Buy offers 0% financing on most items, so it’s even easier to buy your dream TV!

Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

The UDH and 4K displays are stunning. Just breathtaking pictures across all of the television screens for rows and rows. Once again, the employees were beyond helpful and able to answer any and all of our questions. They were honest and upfront with us, too. You can tell that they were looking out for our best interests and not just in it to make a sale.

Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

Speaking of media rooms, the Orland Park Best Buy now has a dedicated showroom for entertainment. Their setups made us want to create a home theater room of our own. With the comfy chairs and high tech surround sound setups, you’d never have to go to the show again.

Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

The computer area is now a lot more organized. You can beeline straight for the Apple, Microsoft, and Google products if you know what you are looking for. There are many samples out for hands on experience. I have had my eye on the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 for some time now. I was able to play with one and see for myself what the hype is all about. Another knowledgeable employee talked with me the whole time, answering all of my crazy questions.

Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

I know there are Apple people, and there are Microsoft people. I don’t discriminate, and I am pretty sure I just want all of them. You can just put me in the “gadget hoarder” category. Looking at the Mac desktop, I pretty much fell in love a bit.

Best Buy Renovations in the Chicagoland Area

Needless to say, we were impressed with the upgrades at the Orland Park Best Buy. Our shopping experience was all positive. From the well-trained employees, to the navigation throughout the store, Best Buy has only gotten better in our eyes!

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  1. Best Buy only seems to be getting better and better! Love the new renovations! I will have to see if they are doing that here too!

  2. Jenna Wood says:

    Our Best Buy just did a bunch of renovations too and I am really loving the new showroom. Best Buy is a great store to shop and get one on one experience with knowledgeable employees and to try out new products!

  3. Wow, that looks like a great store! I was just at our Best Buy today and it’s still the same old Best Buy – which isn’t too bad at all, it’s always been a great store!

  4. katrina g says:

    I love best buy. I’m there buying so much stuff my husband laughs. It really is my favorite store. We are saving up for a new fridge right now and of course will be buying it from there.

  5. I love that you put big screen televisions in your article on renovations. You’re a girl after my own heart!

  6. It looks very nice there. I like the new displays. They are colorful and pleasing to the eye!

  7. Tammilee Tips says:

    Love going to Best Buy!! What an amazing new lay out. I love how streamlined it is. I hate going to stores and not being able to find what I am looking for!

  8. This looks like such a welcoming setup, I have not been to my local-ish Best Buy in years but this post makes me want to go see how they look in my area. I love the setup and how it allows you to really visualize and be hands on before a purchase decision is made.

  9. Really nice! I think that Google display is my very favorite part. It all looks really slick and modern, though!

  10. These Best Buys look great! I love the new renovations, I would love for this to happen at our local Best Buy,

  11. Everything about Best Buy is slick and modern. I’ve been a huge fan for years.

  12. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    That looks like a pretty sweet Best Buy! Maybe ours will follow suit!

  13. Kelly Hutchinson says:

    Our local Best Buy went through some improvements and it is super nice. A pleasure to shop in.

  14. Candace Corey says:

    I was just at Best Buy yesterday!

  15. Shelley Zurek says:

    Wow, it’s very up to date. It seems more like an IKEA STORE.

  16. Stacey- Travel Blogger says:

    If I were to renovate, Best Buy would definitely be my choice of store. I love shopping there any chance I get!

  17. i want to go to there. We are in dire need of some upgrades!

  18. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    Wow those screen have some amazing sharp images! This would be so neat to see all of these neat gadgets up close!

  19. LauraOinAK says:

    Wow! We have smaller stores here in Alaska. Love the entertainment space where you can sit down and experience it all.

  20. I got a gift card to Best Buy for Christmas. They have so many great items there. I am excited to see what I can buy!

  21. I love Best Buy. We get excited when they change the stores around

  22. Wow, their stores do look really updated! It’s been a while since I’ve been to Best Buy.

  23. Gabriel Bregg says:

    Good to see them updating their stores, hopefully they work their way up to here as well. I’m a big fan of BB, even if they don’t do as much with custom computer components as they used to. Have to go where the market leads I guess.

  24. Mitzi Fisher says:

    Ilove Best Buy and this will be a plus for the cstomers

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