Cherry Pie  Sugar Cookies

Ingredients: - Refrigerated sugar cookie dough - Can of cherry pie filling - Powdered sugar - Milk - Vanilla extract

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F and grease a muffin pan.

If using a roll of refrigerated cookie dough, slice it into 12 even slices and cut each slice in half to create 24 pieces. If using the 24 refrigerated sugar cookie ball package, no dividing is needed. Roll each piece into a ball.

Take the cookie balls and place one each into the bottom of the muffin cavities. Press the cookie dough into the bottom of the muffin pan to evenly distribute the dough, until each cavity is filled.

Bake in the preheated oven for 10-13 minutes or until the cookie dough is fully cooked through.

The cookies should have naturally formed an indentation in the center of each cookie. You can use the back of a spoon to press down the center if it has risen too much. Transfer the cookies to a wire rack to cool completely.

Fill each cookie with about a tablespoon of cherry pie filling.

Mix together powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla extract to create a glaze. Drizzle or pipe the glaze over the tops of the cherry cookies.

Serve immediately and enjoy your delicious homemade cherry pie cookies!

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