Baby Food Jarswashed and dried - To remove the labels, I peel off as much as I can. I use acetone (found in the nail polish remover aisle at the store) and cotton balls to remove the sticky labels.
Cover a flat surface with wax paper.
Wax Paper
Fill the bowl with water, almost to the top. Drizzle or pour nail polish colors onto the top of the water. I used 3 different blue colors. When you are satisfied with your design, cover the jar.
Paper Disposable Bowls, Water, Nail Polish
To cover the jar, place your fingers inside the jar and gently plunge the center into the bowl, twirling and tipping the jar so the paint covers the majority of the jar.
Baby Food Jars
Set aside, upside down on the wax paper to set and dry.
Repeat with the desired number of colors and jars.
==> I used all different polish brands: OPI, some dollar store brand, NYC, so it doesn't matter which you use. All burned holes in the styrofoam bowl and all covered the jars really well.==> Make sure the bowls are big enough to cover the majority of your jar. Don't overfill them so you can dunk your jar without overflowing the bowl.