4russet potatoesscrubbed clean and cut into 1/2" pieces
Preheat oven to 400℉ and line a baking pan with nonstick cooking spray. Place chicken thighs onto baking sheet and set aside.
4 chicken thighs
Add potatoes to a mixing bowl and 1 tablespoon oil. Mix well to evenly coat. Season with salt and pepper. Place onto baking sheet with chicken thighs.
4 tbsp oil, salt and pepper, 4 russet potatoes
Add asparagus to a small bowl and mix with 1 tablespoon oil. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
1 cup asparagus
In a small bowl, add remaining 2 tablespoon oil, mustard, vinegar, honey and thyme and mix well. Use a basting brush to brush onto chicken thighs. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and add asparagus and return to oven, heating another 15 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink in the center.