Place isomalt crystals into small saucepan over medium-high heat.
⅓ cup Isomalt Crystals
Allow crystals to melt. If needed, shake pan to facilitate melting. DO NOT STIR.
When all crystals have melted, work quickly to spoon mixture into semi-sphere molds. Be very careful to avoid contact with skin. This will be hot.
Add a few drops of gel food coloring into each mold if you choose. This will bubble up and sizzle, that’s ok.
Gel Food Coloring
Stir with a small spoon to mix with melted crystals.
Using the back of the spoon, quickly spread mixture to cover the entire surface of the mold. Do this step as fast as you can, it won’t take long for the mixture to begin to set up.
Allow halves to set up before continuing, approximately 30 minutes.
Remove the top half of the sphere from mold by carefully pushing up from bottom of the mold. Leave the bottom half in the mold for now. This makes it easier to assemble the globe.
Place tea in bottom half of globe in mold along with any edible flowers, sugar cubes, or herbs you are using. If desired, leave tea bag string outside the mold.
Tea of choice
Place small skillet over low heat. This will be used to smooth globe edges and ease joining the two globes together.
Place globe top onto hot skillet for a few seconds to smooth and melt the edge. Quickly join to bottom globe that is still in the mold.
Allow to cool 5-10 minutes. After a few minutes, you should be able to remove the entire sphere from the mold by carefully pressing up on the mold to release the bottom half of the globe.
Isomalt crystals are made with beet sugar and should not affect blood sugar.
Tea globes made with isomalt crystals are slightly sweet. Sugar can be added to the cup for those preferring a sweeter taste.
Tea bags may need to be folded to fit inside the globe.
Tea globes are extremely fragile. Use care when handling them.
Making tea globes is more labor intensive than making hot chocolate bombs. Globes will improve with practice.
Sugar gloves may be used to reduce risk of burns.
If using gel food coloring, the tea may have a tint of the color of the globe but it will not affect the taste of the tea.
If more than two tea bombs are desired, it is recommended that multiple batches are made (and only two tea bombs be made per batch) instead of doubling (or tripling) the recipe because the isomalt mixture will probably begin to set up before it can be properly placed in the molds and spread out.