Try this funny and delicious unicorn poop fudge the next time you need a sweet treat for a party or celebration. The rainbow swirly shape is sure to bring out the smiles to all unicorn lovers or little ones who love a good poop emoji.
Add candy melts to four separate microwave safe bowls. Add 3.5 ounces, or 1/3 cup sweetened condensed milk to each bowl of candy melts and stir each color.
6 oz Bright pink candy melts, 6 oz Turquoise candy melts, 6 oz Lavender candy melts, 6 oz Yellow candy melts, 14 oz sweetened condensed milk
Place all bowls in the microwave for 4 minutes. When cooking is complete, let stand in the microwave for 4 minutes. Remove bowls from microwave and stir until smooth.
Set a timer for 4 minutes. Let bowls stand for 4 minutes and then stir. Repeat the process until the candy is the consistency of frosting. I would say when it holds its own shape when stirred and doesn't smooth out.
For me, the blue and purple icing set up after 20 minutes. Once those colors were set up, I covered them with plastic wrap and continued the timer until the other colors were ready. The pink color seemed to take the longest! It took 32 minutes at room temperature, and then I popped it into the fridge for 8 minutes (2, 4 minute cycles) and it was set. The yellow took minutes.
Once all colors are ready, unroll a long piece of plastic wrap and place the colors along the long edge and next to each other. Roll up the plastic wrap by joining the ends of each long edge together and turning down to create a long log. Twist the ends together.
Fit a piping bag with a large, 1M piping tip, or cut a 1" tip out of a piping bag. Snip one end of the twisted plastic wrap and place the fudge into the pastry bag. Pipe onto wax paper, adding sprinkles immediately after making each pile of poop. Let stand to set up.
unicorn candy sprinkles
Makes about 24 piles of poop.
If using a star tip, divide the colors into two separate piping bags. This will make it easier to squeeze out.
Avoid a tip completely and have a more realistic poop pile. Cut about a 3/4"-1" tip in the pastry bag and pipe into a swirl.
You absolutely must use a piping bag. This will not work in ziplock. I didn't try, but it's stiff, and you'll break a seam.
Work quickly, maybe have 2 people piping or someone to put the sprinkles on after you pipe.
Note my microwave safe bowls were glass, therefore yours may cool quicker, since glass does hold some heat.