Welcome to A Magical Mess! My goal here is to make life a little more magical. When everything around you appears to be a mess, let’s try to find the magic!

Jennifer Soltys of A Magical Mess.



Owner and founder of A Magical Mess. I live in the Chicagoland area with my husband and three dogs.

Mike and I were married on June 25, 2011, on the Pirate Ship at the Treasure Island casino in Las Vegas.

When I am not working feverishly on my blogs, you can find me reading, hiking, playing with our dogs, or just hanging with friends and family.

Favorite Blog Topics:

  • I mainly like to keep the blog light and fun with magically-themed recipes and easy-to-do crafts.
  • With three rescue dogs, I love to incorporate our cuties into blog posts whenever possible.
  • Upon exiting the womb I’ve been interested in business. I share my journey trying different online side hustles. <– Update: I love the topic so much, I started a new blog for it.
  • Being an overly-anxious person, I also know the importance of self-care. I like to share new ways to help us all relax and slow down a bit.
  • With an older home, we constantly have projects to do. I write about our experience with home improvements.
Franklin and Grump by the pond at Lake Katherine.

Running this blog has been quite an experience for me. When I started, I knew nothing about blogging.

This has been the most humbling and educational journey for me. I continue to eagerly and actively learn about all forms of social media.

What I am working with: iPhone Xs for photos/video, Canon Rebel T3i for food photography and hi-res images, Olympus Tough for underwater/boating pictures, Ring Light, and Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom for editing.

Jen and Shelley from A Magical Mess.


Jen’s sister who contributes to the blog.

My kids–ages 18 and 14, and rescue cat live in Bozeman, Montana.

Topics I Cover:

  • As a frequent migraine-sufferer, I document my results with the daith piercing for migraines.
  • With a degree in nutrition science, I frequently help with recipe development and topics on diet and fitness.
  • Bitten by the wanderlust bug, I share my photography from places around the globe.
  • As a single mom, getting our finances in order is an ongoing process I often share.
Shelley on the Green Sand Beach next to the ocean.

Feel free to contact me today!