Our Pirate Ship Wedding in Vegas

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Yes, we had a pirate ship wedding. After almost fully planning a big wedding here, we said screw it and headed to Vegas. We were married on the pirate ship at Treasure Island casino. It actually suited our personalities so much better. In fact, on our first trip to Vegas together we jokingly inquired if weddings were allowed on the pirate ship.

pirate ship wedding

Let’s back up a bit. I was never the little girl who dreamed of the day that she would wear the princess gown and have an enormous wedding. I actually hate planning events like that and find it stressful as hell. After our engagement I tried to get into wedding planning, but just was not feeling it. I was looking forward to the marriage, not the wedding. I mean, the wedding is a few hours compared to the lifetime that you are then going to spend in the partnership.

I am not trying to offend anyone who does have a big, elaborate wedding. I wish I could have gotten into it more. I mean, I didn’t even get a dress until like 2 weeks before the wedding. And, I definitely wish Pinterest would have been in the picture then. That probably would have changed everything for me!

So, we didn’t have the huge $50,000 banquet wedding here, but Las Vegas was still a big deal (and way less expensive). We had about 30 of our friends and family that were able to attend and it was a blast. I have no regrets on how we did things… well, that’s not totally true. I wish my grandparents could have came. And… I drank too much because that’s what I do in Vegas. My friends + the Vegas strip = party girl Jen. Plus, even planning this smaller event had me stressed enough to binge drink in relief once it was over.

pirate ship wedding

Our Pirate Ship Wedding

The pirate ship wedding took place at noon on the Pirate Ship at Treasure Island Casino. I probably do not need to mention that Las Vegas in June at noon is like standing on the sun. That’s only a slight exaggeration because it was, in fact, 117 degrees. Sweat was dripping down my back (so sexy) and I felt extra horrible for the men in suits!

pirate swooping down with rings

We were married by the pirate captain, naturally. He was, um, interesting, but had some nice things to say. Another pirate swooped down from an upper landing to deliver our rings. The whole ceremony was actually pretty cool. Each and every guest made a point to tell us that they had never been so entertained during a ceremony.

After that we had a small reception at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville. It was a couple hours of appetizers and drinks. Oh, and cake. Just look at how I am eying that cake. After a strict pre-wedding diet, I was all over that.

mmmm cake

The shenanigans that took place after that shall stay in Vegas. Let’s just say it was quite the party! There may have been some flippy cup and beer pong involved… and I am pretty sure we pulled an all-nighter.

We may have had a crazy wedding, but we have the tamest marriage imaginable. Now our big nights consist of watching two movies in a row. We are best buds and teammates. I love our partnership and marriage and our fun wedding memories.

Our pirate ship wedding led to our pirate ship backyard, too. At our wedding shower people got us lots of pirate-themed decorations, so might as well go with it!

our wedding
What kind of wedding did you have or do you want? 

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  1. I had the big traditional church wedding, but I would be happy for my daughter to go to Vegas and get married. Shoot, I would pay for her plane tickets.

  2. oh gosh, how FUN!! we’ve always said if we did it again we’d go get married away someplace and have a casual party afterwards 🙂

  3. You’re dress is so pretty, looks like it could be fitting for a mermaid, so it definitely fits your theme. I got married in the LDS temple here in Mesa. Our whole wedding was under $1k!

    1. Thank you so much! Wow, that’s awesome! You definitely saved a bunch. 🙂

  4. Shell Feis says:

    I had a more traditional wedding, but our life together has been far from traditional so I wanted a moment of normalcy! That said, had I known that they did weddings on the pirate ship, there’s a good chance I would have gone that route! {I live in Vegas so it wouldn’t have been any harder to move it there anyway!}

  5. You wedding was SO AWESOME!! I love the pirate ship, that is just seriously too cool. I love that you did what YOU wanted to do and made a special memory. My fiance and I are thinking we want to have our wedding as a New Year’s Eve party, because NYE is our anniversary. Oh and BTW, totally feel you on the “Big nights in” watching two whole movies in a row…if we could ever stay awake long enough to finish two that would be a miracle, LOL!!!

    1. Thanks!! It was a blast. Oooh NYE wedding would be super fun! Definitely do what the two of you want and make it a great memory! LOL — yes, I can rarely stay awake for the 2nd movie. It’s always me passing out.

  6. How incredibly cute!!! You were a beautiful bride!!

  7. Melanie a/k/a CrazyMom says:

    Ohhh what a beautiful wedding… the ship is amazing…… and soo glad you got to do what you wanted to do… I got married in style, too and won’t regret it at all.. soo glad I did it the way I wanted to … Happy Many years to both of you 🙂

  8. Lolli @ Better in Bulk says:

    What a FUN wedding! My daughter talks about wanting to just elope (she’s not quite there yet, but she’s planning WAY ahead!) and skip the big party and everything. My wedding was fairly simple – totally nothing special, except maybe for the fact that my mom’s friends made ALL of the amazing food by hand for days before the wedding.

  9. Congrats! I got married in Las Vegas too, but at the Paris hotel. 🙂
    BTW – you look GORGEOUS!

    1. Oh cool! I love the Paris. THANK YOU!!!!

  10. how fun! I had a traditional wedding – in fact I wish I had had a BIGGER wedding – ours was medium sized and we went without certain things like the extra photographer and a videographer. Now i wish I had just spent the money! 🙂 LOL

    1. Honestly, SOMETIMES I feel that way, too. But, I think it’s just because we had so much fun I want to do it again! 🙂 And I wish we had more and better pictures.

  11. Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says:

    I had a boring traditional wedding. Yours was way more fun and interesting! Pretty neat!

  12. Anne - Mommy Has to Work says:

    I love your themed wedding!! Ours was a little traditional but kinda like a big party too!

  13. Deanna @ mommyGAGA says:

    How awesome, congrats!

  14. I think it’s great to know what you want/don’t want when it comes to your own wedding. Looks like lots of fun.

  15. Jennifer Hiles says:

    Looks like you had a blast! I’m like you, not into planning big events. Way too stressful. Not worth the anxiety. We had an outdoor wedding in a beautiful location and our families made the food along with a pig roast. It was a blast. Best time of our lives and it didn’t put us in debt!

  16. We had a small familiy and friends wedding. We were married at an outside altar and my grandma gave me away.I think your pirate wedding is fun and you should have fun since you only do it once! Good for you!

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