XFINITY X1 Share App – New Way to Share Videos

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XFINITY X1 just keeps getting better thanks to the apps that they have available. This new X1 Share App is the most impressive yet. Post and giveaway are sponsored by XFINITY, but all opinions are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure.

XFINITY X1 Share App - New Way to Share Videos

XFINITY X1 Share App

I am sure most of us have taken video or pictures on our phones that we’ve wanted to share. Well, sitting in a room full of family crowded around a tiny screen doesn’t provide the best view. The X1 Share App allows XFINITY X1 Triple Play customers to share live video, photos, and more through their mobile phones and TVs.

XFINITY X1 Share App - New Way to Share Videos

My Grandma just got three baby turkeys. I am sure that I have mentioned before that my Gram has several farm animals that she keeps as pets. Well, these baby turkeys are the new stars. They are still tiny babies, so they cannot be moved to the barn just yet. Often throughout the day, she lets them just hangout and follow her around the house. They follow her voice and actually listen when called (most of the time). Animals never cease to amaze me! The best part of this is that I can sneakily get some video of my Gram since she thinks I am just focused on the creatures. My Gram hates pictures and videos, so we need to capture memories with her on the DL. 😉

Of course, I shared the videos and pics via Facebook, but what about our relatives that aren’t active on social media? We don’t want to exclude them, so now we have the option of sending it right to our TV. The next time family is over, we can all watch the videos on the big screen. Or, if the family members are X1 Triple Play customers, we can send it to them via the X1 Share App. They will receive a notification that a share has been sent to them. They can choose to accept or reject the share at that point.

The possibilities with this app are just endless. Once again, I think of my Gram. She rarely travels anymore due to her bad back, so we can go to her house and show her videos of events, activities, and whatever random thing we happened to capture that week! Shelley just graduated (at the top of her class – proud sister moment), and I was able to show my Gram pics from her graduation without her squinting at my tiny phone screen. Priceless!

XFINITY X1 Share App - New Way to Share Videos

Disclosure: XFINITY partnered with bloggers such as me for their Fast Life program. As part of this program, I received compensation for my time. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about any product mentioned in these posts. XFINITY believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. XFINITY’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines, and social media engagement recommendations.

What will you share using the XFINITY X1 Share App?

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  1. I would share our vacation videos

  2. Mary Rutter says:

    I would share pictures

  3. I live up against a hill and we see a lot of wildlife here. I could share some of the videos I have of a fox that’s started coming by our yard.

  4. Jessie C. says:

    I would share vacation trips videos with my family using the XFINITY X1 Share App.

  5. Lisa Brown says:

    i would share pictures of the family

  6. I would share my daughter’s ballet recital with relatives.

  7. Beth Hill says:

    I would like to share pictures of my boys with my Mom, we don’t see her as often as we would like!

  8. Julie Wood says:

    I would share pictures and videos of my son and daughter with Grandpa and Aunts and Uncles!

  9. leila maguire says:

    I would share pictures of my kids to my family across the country they love seeing new pics:-) great post!

  10. I would share photos of the kids with far away relatives and friends!

  11. steve weber says:

    I would share pictures with family members

  12. Janice Dean says:

    I would share videos and pictures of my grandsons.

  13. Pamela Gurganus says:

    I would share my pictures and videos of the ocean with my family in another state.

  14. Tiffany C (@sweetmatcha) says:

    I’d share how we’re spending our Spring gardening and enjoying it with my grandma! She loves gardening, so I would love to show her the progress of our plants and she’d probably give me some pointers! DD has a performance at school that I would love to record and show her, and my youngest one has a picnic and also a moving up ceremony, which would be great if she could watch and be “there” So many possibilities!

  15. I would share photos of get togethers we have at our house.

  16. I don’t have a smartphone to share with. My friend would share pictures of her grandkids.
    Thanks for the contest.

  17. Fee Roberts says:

    I would share videos and photos of my grandkids.

  18. I’d share family photos.

  19. Amanda Sakovitz says:

    I would share photos from my family reunion

  20. Leigh Anne Borders says:

    I would love to share the things involving our family like vacations, programs, etc… with family and friends that do not live close.

  21. I would share pictures from family engagements, such as my cousins wedding this summer.

  22. Derrick Johnson says:

    I would share family photos and vacation pics.

  23. Kim Henrichs says:

    Aw those pics are great!! I would love to share family photos with my dad who lives across the country.

  24. Ellie Wright says:

    I would share pics and videos of our grandsons playing little league. Grandpa works nights so doesn’t get to go to the games very often.

  25. Thomas Murphy says:

    I would share family vacation photos.

  26. I would share videos of my daughters growing up with their grandparents who don’t live near us.

  27. Barbara Montag says:

    I would share pictures of my grand daughters First Communion.
    thank you

  28. David Fultner says:

    I would share the crazy things my nephew does and become a social media celebrity.

  29. Christina says:

    I would share some of our summer adventures with hubby who is traveling a lot for work this summer. And video of the kids soccer games in the fall with my mom

  30. Stephanie Phelps says:

    I would share my new grand-baby after he first comes home from the hospital!

  31. Vacation photos and family photoes 🙂

  32. I would use the app to share photos and home videos.

  33. sandra davis says:

    I would share pictures of my family with other family members.

  34. Nicole Dziedzic says:

    I would use it to share videos of my kids softball and soccer games and also share pictures of our vacation photo’s.

  35. I’d share the photos I take on our group camping trip….with the other families.

  36. Jacob LaFountaine says:

    The dogs doing crazy things would be funny to share

  37. I have a kitten that we rescued at 1 week old (she’s now about 5 weeks). I would video her being her adorable self.

  38. I love that family photos and videos can be shared

  39. I’d share pictures of my son’s graduation ceremony. I think this is a cool app

  40. I would share videos of my kids at their sporting events!

  41. Robin Abrams says:

    I would share our family pictures

  42. I would share my kid’s school events.

  43. Jessica Cox says:

    I would share videos of my girls being silly to friends and family that we don’t get to see often

  44. I would share gardening and pet videos.

  45. breanna pollard says:

    I would share pictures.

  46. Paol Trenny says:

    I would share videos or photos of my kids and their activities with relatives.

  47. Heather Hayes Panjon says:

    I Would Share Summer Vacation Photos.

  48. Yona Williams says:

    I would share photos of my nephew with my best friend and other members of the family.

  49. Pictures from the beach.

  50. Julie Murphy says:

    i would use for all my hummingbirds.

  51. I would share summer vacation pictures.

  52. Adrienne gordon says:

    I’d be sharing pics.

  53. ron schnell says:

    i would share pictures of the family.

  54. stephanie buchanan says:

    I would share pictures of the family and pets. I like to take before and after pics of my DIY projects, so I’m sure I’d be looking at those too.

  55. Sandy Klocinski says:

    I wouldn’t share anything because I don’t have Xfinity!

  56. beth shepherd says:

    I would share pictures with family and friends. Thank you

  57. I would share videos from the beach.

  58. I would love to share family photos with those who live far away!

  59. Margaret Smith says:

    Most of our family lives out of state. I’d love to take videos/pictures of our kids and share them with our out of state family.

  60. I would share my daughters kindergarten graduation video with her grandparents

  61. Carolyn Bensonc says:

    I would share pictures of my grandchildren playing in my backyard pool

  62. Richard Hicks says:

    I would share video of our family and vacations

  63. I would share pictures from vacations!

  64. Jennifer Williams says:

    We just moved several states away and have the ONLY grandchild on both sides, so we are always getting requests for tons of pictures and video clips! This would be a great addition to our sharing routine!

  65. heather s says:

    I would share pictures

  66. Jodi Kershuk says:

    I would share pictures of the kids playing in their playhouse.

  67. Brittney House says:

    I would share pictures of my niece and family.

  68. Cindy Jolly says:

    school and summer activities!

  69. I would share pictures of my baby with my family

  70. Cynthia C says:

    I would share family photos.

  71. I would share pictures of my twins.

  72. I’d share family photos.

  73. Suzanne K says:

    I would share vacation videos of my daughter and I.

  74. PuffyBiggles says:

    I would share family vacation photos using the XFINITY X1 Share App. Thanks for the giveaway!

  75. Ann Fantom says:

    I would share photos of my daughter with the grandparents

  76. I’d share photos from a recent trip to the UK with my family and friends.

  77. Rebecca Parsons says:

    I would use the app to send pictures to my grandpa who is 89 years old and I don’t get to see him very much since we live far away from one another. He would love it.

  78. Stephanie V. says:

    my little one’s musical performance with grandpa and grandma!
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  79. Mary Cloud says:

    I would share family photos

  80. Crystal F says:

    I would share pictures of my girls with family. Thank you!!

  81. Dawn Monroe says:

    I would share school plays, pictures and any pictures of my grand kids.

  82. Sara Zielinski says:

    I would share videos from youtube.

  83. Colleen Boudreau says:

    I would share pictures and videos.

  84. I would share pictures of our summer vacation.

  85. I would share family pictures.

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  86. Jen Haile says:

    I would share vacation photos!

  87. Amanda Alvarado says:

    I would share dd’s recital video!

  88. courtney b says:

    I would share every single photo I have in this house on tihis app. and trust me there are a LOT ! !!

  89. Betsy R Barnes says:

    Using the XFINITY X1 Share App, I would share photos of my son skiing, various cooking recipe photos and photos from birthday’s and holiday celebrations 🙂

  90. Kyl Neusch says:

    would share picture

  91. I take pictures of everything so I would have a lot to share

  92. Cheryl Larimer says:

    We would use it to share pictures. Memories of experiences with family are awesome.

  93. Katherine says:

    I would share my sons graduation video

  94. Carol Norton says:

    I would share my dog

  95. I would share family videos and pictures, Thank you!

  96. I’d share the photos and videos of our family road trip.

  97. I would share family photos.

  98. Amy Orvin says:

    I would share pictures of my fur babies to my family.

  99. wen budro says:

    I would use this app to share pictures and videos with family and friends. It looks awesome!!!

  100. Susan Christy says:

    I would share videos of my nephews soccer games with his other aunts and uncles.

  101. Cori Westphal says:

    I’d share photos of all of our big fish from our camping trips this summer!

  102. S. Carter says:

    i would share my Pandora channels with friends.

  103. Danielle Marie says:

    i would share videos of my nieces. i like to show them off.

  104. I would share family pictures

  105. Peggy Johnson says:

    I would share pictures of grandchildren

  106. pictures of all of us!

  107. I would share random pictures of friends, family and my pup… and food, lots of food pictures!

  108. Pictures, pictures, pictures!

  109. Stephanie Galbraith says:

    I would share pictures if my friends got into the app.

  110. I would share pictures

  111. Debbie Welchert says:

    I would share photos of my grandchildren doing different activities and photos of my birds.

  112. I’d share videos of my niece with family that doesn’t get to see her!

  113. katklaw777 says:

    We do a lot of camping and fishing with the kids in the summertime, so I would share our adventures and believe me they are adventures…lol

  114. Dana Rodriguez says:

    This would be great for my fiance’s business page.He could show before and afters of homes he has redone.

  115. Dawn Monzu says:

    I would share all of the fun times I spend with my granddaughter outside! We play outside all of the time. She loves swinging, or going to the park!

  116. Jenn, says:

    I would share pictures of my pup!

  117. Betty Curran says:

    I would share photos of our family with those who live far away.

  118. lissa crane says:

    I would love to share the fun & special moments of my four children with my parents and sisters! They live across the country and I feel like they are missing out on my children growing up. We have a kindergarten graduation, a birthday party, and a concert coming up next month and all will be missed unless I share!

  119. chickie brewer says:

    I’m not sure but it would probably be pictures.

  120. debbie campbell says:

    I would share pics and videos with my mom since we don’t live close.

  121. LAURIE MURLEY says:

    I would share photos and moives

  122. I would share my next vacation photos

  123. Patti Hess says:

    I would share my Grandson with his Great Grandma

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  124. I would share videos of my daughter’s dance recitals.

  125. Kayte CookWatts says:

    We are crazy cat people, so I’d have to say people would get a lot of shots of Albus looking ADORABLE.

  126. Lily Kwan says:

    I would share photographs.

  127. Emily Endrizzi says:

    I would share photos and videos of the kids and pets with my family.

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