10 Things You Need to Know About Ooma Telo Free Home Phone Service

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If you don’t already have a home phone, you might be wondering why you should even have one. But I am a firm believer that if you ever have kids in the house, you need to have a home phone in case of emergencies. So, for everyone with or without a house line, here are 10 things you should know about Ooma Telo free home phone service. Post sponsored by Linqia; all opinions are my own.

10 things you should know about the Ooma Telo Free Home Phone Service #ad

Ooma Telo Free Home Phone Service

The following 10 things you should know all pertain to the basic plan:

  1. You can keep your existing home phone number for a one time fee of $39.99.
  2. It can connect to all your other smart home devices like the Nest, Smart Bulbs, and Apple and Android devices. You’ll have the smartest home on the block.
  3. The Ooma Telo unit itself is $99.99, but after that you’ll only pay $4-$7 in taxes depending on where you live.
  4. There is a Premier service option that costs just $9.99/month.
  5. You can save hundreds of dollars every year by switching your house phone to the Ooma Telo.
  6. There are no long term contracts involved. You can call anywhere in the U.S. and all you have to pay each month is that $4-$7 in taxes.
    10 things you should know about the Ooma Telo Free Home Phone Service
  7. The unit takes only 15 minutes to initially set up.
  8. It comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee and extendable 1 year warrantee with live customer support.
  9. Free Ooma-to-Ooma calls anywhere in the world. This is HUGE if you have loved ones in other countries. If you both have the device, you’re set to stay in touch as often and for as long as you want without costing a dime.
  10. The My-Ooma online portal allows you to play messages, check call logs, and manage preferences online from anywhere.

If you’re thinking about the Premier Plan, you’ll get features like:

  • Voicemail-to-email forwarding.
  • Customizable call blocking abilities.
  • Enhanced caller ID.
  • Free calls to Canada.
  • Instant second line.
  • and more…

10 things you should know about the Ooma Telo Free Home Phone Service #ad

We Tried Ooma Telo

And it really did take only 15 minutes to set up. In the box you’ll find a quick setup guide with super easy to follow instructions. Just make sure you don’t plug in the Ooma Telo unit until you’ve activated it online.

10 things you should know about the Ooma Telo Free Home Phone Service

Once plugged in it will light up red, blink blue, and then remain blue once it’s totally ready. We are using an old phone–15-20 years old–so it’s a real test to see what the quality of the call will be like.

As soon as we picked up the handset, we heard sweet little music and then a dial tone. I immediately called my sister and acted like a creep (have to take advantage of that initial new number) and it was a super clear call. She was shocked and I successfully freaked her out. That’s what I call a win-win.

10 things you should know about the Ooma Telo Free Home Phone Service

Everyone is loving using the old phone. It’s funny how excited the kids are to call all their friends using this “antique.” Call away kids! It’s free! But there are also really nice new handsets that have all sorts of great upgrades to go with your smart home. For now, we’ll have some fun with this vintage model, but I can’t wait to play with a fancy high tech model soon.

Sweepstakes – A Smarter Home

One lucky winner will receive an Ooma Telo, one year of Premier Service, a Nest Protect smoke and carbon monoxide detector and one LIFX and Philips Hue Smart light bulbs.

Ooma Prize Pack Sweepstakes

To Enter:

Visit Ooma Telo and use the calculator to determine what you can save on your monthly phone bill in 3 years as well as how long it will take (in months) for Ooma to pay for itself. Leave the results in a comment below and you’ll be entered for a chance to win!

What do you like best about the Ooma Telo free home phone service?

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  1. So according to the Ooma website, I’ll save over $600 the first year and pay for the device in 3 months! And here I thought we had a good deal with our phone/internet company! I’ve head of Oooma but never really researched it. I love that all one pays is the monthly taxes/fees! The fact that the line is as clear is a huge plus too!

  2. Lori Walker says:

    We don’t have a home phone so it’d be really useful for us to have but I don’t have a price difference to post.

  3. Maryann D. says:

    I never heard of Ooma Telo free home phone service. It does sound interesting and sounds like you can save a bit of money with this.

  4. Gloria Tiner says:

    Love my Ooma. Have had it fro 3 years and my monthly bill is around 4 dollars a month. We have two separate phone numbers. the initial purchase including the wireless adapter was about 150.00. compared to the 30 a month I was paying to the phone company. I’ve been a long time finished paying off my original purchase in in the monthly savings. I need to add that I also have a 100 yearly fee for the premium service but if you break the down I still only pay about 12 dollars a month and I’ve never had any trouble with my phone. Recommend to anyone looking to lower their home phone service. One other thing this service is available only to internet users.

  5. I calculated and I will save close to three thousand in three years and it will pay for itself in less than two months. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity!

  6. We’ve had Ooma for 2 years now and have been pretty happy with the service. Wish some of the call-blocking was available on the non-paid service.

  7. We don’t have a home phone anymore, but were thinking of getting one now that the kids are older (old enough to call us or a friend, but not old enough for cellphones). It’s great how affordable this option is. Definitely considering it.

  8. We don’t have a home phone, but I am liking that if other family members all over the world have Ooma, it wouldn’t cost any long distance charge! That is something I can share with family who still have home phones and call other family members over seas. It will save them a ton of money.

  9. Cathi Crismon says:

    I’ve never heard of this. Hmmm…. it’s something to think about as we’re letting our land line go. We never ever use it except for a fax 2 or 3 times a year.

  10. You know, we’ve been talking about letting our home phone go for the past two years! We’ll have to check out this option before making any rash (haha) decisions!

  11. I’d love to win! Thanks for the chance. I submitted my information and it said it will pay for itself in less than a month and I’d save $8726.73 in 3 years.

  12. Carrie Conrad says:

    In 3 years I would save $1886.73 and it would pay for itself in less than 3 months. I would love to win this! It would be amazing and great for my pocket book.

  13. Michael T says:

    we have pretty basic phone service, so it will only save us like 878.73 in 3 years, but honestly it seems worth it!

  14. Heather Ayala says:

    I don’t have a price difference to post either, but this would be awesome to have when my oldest 2 are watching my youngest and not picking up their cells. I could call the youngest without him needing a phone. I may get one even if I don’t win!

  15. I could save $1211 in 3 years… Crazy!

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