How To Speed Clean Your House After Traveling
In a perfect world I’d be one of those really organized people that have a place for everything and everything in its place. But, I’m not. Despite my attempts to keep a clean and organized home, it always seems to revert back to chaos, especially after traveling.
I’ve been traveling a lot lately, and with company coming to stay with us in between trips, I’ve had to learn how to speed clean my house. This post was sponsored by P&G as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. All thoughts shared are my own.

How To Speed Clean
Ideally you have help. Kids, spouse, siblings, even the pets can chip in when you’re caught in a pinch. Learning and teaching how to speed clean a room is really quite simple.
You’ll first want to start with the right products.
Swiffer Dusters are a freaking miracle tool! It took me a long time to give them a chance because I was convinced they’d only throw dust around the room. I was so used to using a damp washcloth.

Well, was I ever wrong! These allow the kids and I to dust with ease and get into all the tiny crevices that would otherwise go un-dusted. Swiffer Dusters shave about an hour off our usual cleaning time… per room!
Swiffer Sweepers offer the same brilliant abilities as the Dusters but for the floor. I have equally strong feelings for these.

Good strong paper towels for the windows and glassware are also a necessity. Bounty Advanced Select-A-Size paper towels are our favorites. We get all our supplies at Costco because we love buying in bulk. It’s a great deal and we shop less often.
To Start
First you’ll need to put all the things that don’t belong, away. This can be done efficiently by taking ONE THING AT A TIME. If you just move everything into a pile and shove it in a different room, you’re only rotating the mess around the house. If you simply put each thing away, you’ll tackle the problem in no time.
Once all the things are put away, it’s time to actually CLEAN. With the above mentioned products, it’s really quite easy and fun if you put on some music and have some help.
My daughter and I were each armed with a Swiffer Duster. She took the low ground and I took the high ground. We had the whole room dusted in just 8 minutes. I then mopped the floor with the Swiffer Sweeper and viola! The room is clean!

Now to handle all that laundry from traveling… good thing we stocked up on Downy Unstopables! They make the whole house smell great! Even the driveway smells fresh because the dryer vent blows that wonderful scent right into the front walkway!
Who taught you how to speed clean?
sounds like a good plan to have,,will try this next time i come home from a vacation
Excellent tips. I don’t remember a time before Swiffer lol. Plus one of my biggest pet peeves are paper towels that don’t absorb, I know it’s a small deal but it drives me crazy.
Oh man. I hear ya with the paper towels! That’s definitely grounds for crazy. o.O
Swiffer Dusters are wonderful to use. I use a lot of Swiffer products and I do need Bounty all the time too!
I like your choice of models – very fun.