Bay Alarm Medical – Keeping Gram Active
Getting old sucks. But it doesn’t have to be miserable. Most old folks have aches, pains, memory issues, and have a terrible time relating to all the technology that’s rapidly advancing around them. As a granddaughter that is very close to her grandmother, I despise seeing Gram–and any elders–not enjoying life.
It’s getting more and more difficult as she loses her memory and confusion increases, but it’s our job to make sure she has every opportunity to enjoy the things she loves–her flowers, animals, and yard. This post is sponsored by Bay Alarm Medical, but all thoughts and opinions shared here are my own.

Bay Alarm Medical
Gram’s overall safety is obviously a priority, but also very high on the list is making sure she never feels like she’s a burden. It’s true, I’m very busy–almost to a toxic level that induces a lot of stress–but Gram should never feel that. She should also never feel guilty for needing help.

So, thanks to her Bay Alarm Medical devices, we both have a whole lot more peace of mind. I feel good knowing that if she needs help, it’s just the push of a button away. And, she feels even better now with her GPS mobile button.

She has her house all set up with HELP buttons, but when she goes to the barn to see her animals, it’s just out of signal reach. With her GPS button, she now has the freedom to see her feathered and furry friends and even tend to her greenhouse.

It’s these little things and activities that help her mind and spirit. Happiness and laughter are the best medicine, and at 84, Gram can still light up a room and crack us all up with her jokes.

Accidents Happen
Gram recently had a fall. It could’ve been far worse. She was able to get herself up and didn’t have to use her HELP button. It was kind of cute how proud she was that she didn’t need to use it–but we were all thankful that it was there in case she did.
She fell in her bathroom caught her arm on the counter. She actually likes showing her “battle wounds” to family, and as much as we all cringe to see her fragile body and skin bruised, it’s so important to validate what she’s going through.

I often put myself in her shoes and imagine what it must be like to feel so helpless. You wake up in the middle of the night and fall–injuring yourself. It’s dark and confusing. You see the red “HELP” button but find the courage and strength to pull yourself up and put yourself back together. That must feel like such a big accomplishment–because IT IS!

Bay Alarm Medical devices allow her to be brave. She knows there is help available if she needs it and squelches the fear of being alone in the dark. It empowers her to be strong–to try to help herself first. And that is the most valuable thing of all. That feeling of independence is what’s giving her power to carry on and smile.
Taking care of elderly parents and grandparents should be viewed as an honor. It’s our opportunity to give back to the people that made us who we are and learn from their experiences. We’re all going to get old–if we’re lucky–and it’s time that should be sacred. But the reality is the reality, and it’s not easy. Using services like those offered by Bay Alarm Medical can make everyone’s lives easier.
Learn more about Bay Alarm Medical and snag their promotional offers!
i think im in need of one of these too,,i have fallen several times and had to crawl to get up,,didnt tell my kids
I think I need to look in to this for my mother. She loves living on her own, but we would all feel so much better if she had this. Just that little bit of extra assurance that she’ll be okay.
What a great way to help our elders still live fully while being safe and letting us feel secure that they’re comfortable but still able to get help if needed. I will have to look into Bay Alarm Medical.
My parents are getting older, so it’s good to know what resources are out there. Thankfully they live close, but it still brings me security knowing that they’re safer.
These devices sound fantastic and seem to safely help seniors continue to be independent. Caring for our loved ones as they age can be tough, so I am all about ways to ease the struggle for everyone involved.
You can’t replace this kind of peace of mind when our parents and grands are at that stage. My mom is wearing one now because sadly, the falls are coming closer together.
i think this needed for all ages. i definitely could use it for all the benefits .