Peace of Mind with Taking Care of Elderly Parents

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A huge part of what makes us A Magical Mess is our weird upbringing. Jen was raised by our paternal grandmother while I was raised by our mom.

Gram had a hand in raising each of us and had a major influence on our mother.

We find magic in our family mess every single day. But with time, comes huge responsibility.

We’re now facing the challenges of taking care of elderly parents and grandparents.

This post is sponsored by Bay Alarm Medical, but all thoughts and opinions shared here are my own.

Our beautiful grandma.

Taking Care of Elderly Parents

A huge component of taking care of elderly parents is making sure they maintain their independence for as long as safely possible.

From making financial decisions to grocery shopping, aging parents will need our help, but can also contribute to decision-making for as long as possible.

With technology developing faster than ever, even our business-savvy grandfather needs help with things like checking for term life insurance quotes online or setting up autopay for bills.

We, of course, leave all decisions up to him, but he appreciates the help with “pushing the buttons,” as he says. 😉

Feeling accomplished and strong in a day is something we all want regardless of age.

But as those years start racking up, this feeling of personal achievement can be paramount to emotional health.

No one should ever feel like they are a burden on their loved ones.

The reality is, however, mighty difficult for a lot of us. The aging process affects us all differently.

Gram is struggling with balance and mental clarity. She had a stroke a few years ago, and while she had enormous improvement, it wasn’t a full recovery.

She falls easily, and without something or someone around to help her up, she has found herself stranded on more than one occasion.

Kitchen counter with a Bay Medical Alarm system and other kitchen decor.

Not only does the thought of our scared, possibly hurt, Grandmother stuck on the ground make us feel horrendously guilty for not being there to help her, but it makes her feel awful too.

Embarrassed, ashamed, and frustrated, she’s even tried to hide the bruises from a fall to avoid having to admit the event.

We know full-time care is going to be necessary in a matter of time.

But for now, it means everything to give Gram the feeling of independence while keeping her safe.

Bay Alarm Medical contents of the box.

Help is the Push of a Button Away

Thanks to Bay Alarm Medical, help can be on the way with just a push of a button.

Setting up the devices is easy and only takes about 15 minutes. I chose to put the main unit in the kitchen on the side of the house closest to where she spends most of her time outside.

Gram keeps chickens, bunnies, and cats. Her animals are the main reason she’s so determined to stay active, healthy, and happy.

After testing the unit’s reach, I decided this was the best place because if she falls outside, the button on her necklace will still work.

Setting up the Bay Alarm Medical Devices

  • Plug in the main unit and follow the included instructions to test the signal.
    • This includes pushing all the remote buttons included in your kit in various locations to make sure they are within signal distance.
  • Choose the best spots to place the buttons. Near the floor is good so that they are within reach after a fall.
  • Fill out the Vial Of Life form and stick on the refrigerator or another accessible spot.
    • This information allows emergency responders to save valuable time. You can put a full medical history, list of current medications, allergies, and all important information in this convenient pocket.
  • Register your unit with the mail-in form.
    • On this form, you’ll include where the Vial Of Life packet is located on the property, if there is a lockbox with a key to the building, and who to notify in the event your loved one is hurt.
Fridge filled with family pics.

The best part about registering your devices is you can set it up so that emergency help is only called after immediate loved ones or other caregivers.

I set ours up so that Papa is called first before 9-1-1. That way, if the Bay Alarm button is accidentally pressed, we’re not driving our local emergency responders crazy–or keeping them from actual emergencies.

Knowing this also took a lot of pressure off Gram. She was afraid she might push the button mindlessly or on accident and cause a nuisance.

Our grandmother wearing a Bay Alarm Medical necklace.

Improved Quality of Life

Thanks to Bay Alarm Medical, we’re all experiencing improved quality of life.

Gram is safer during the day with constant access to help, and all of us have greater peace of mind with that knowledge.

This use of technology is truly priceless. Every age bracket seems to have some extreme demands.

As a thirty-something single mom, feeling the pressure of taking care of elderly parents, teens, and my own life changes, I am beyond grateful for this service.

Other products are also available with fall detection for those who might be unable to push the button due to Dementia/Alzheimer’s, strokes, etc.

Learn more about all the Bay Alarm Medical services and products on their website.

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  1. ellen beck says:

    Great post. I think these a;arms are well worth the money!

  2. Glad to hear there are lots of great tools to help people stay on their own longer. Many times being in their house or surroundings lessons the confusion.

  3. Diane Hoffmaster says:

    THis is such a great way to get a little bit of peace of mind. It is so hard knowing that your older parent or grandparent is at home alone!

  4. valmg @ Mom Knows It All says:

    Caring for an elderly loved one can be very challenging for all parties involved. I wish my Grandma had had one of these when she was alive.

  5. Great post!! I’m so glad many companies have created medical devices like this for the elderly, I think they offer a piece of mind for everyone involved. Many of my patients wore these medical alarms and they work very well for them!

  6. Mistee Dawn says:

    Thanks for the great advice. My dad turns 65 years old this year, and he is having some health issues. I want to move him into my home soon.

  7. Samantha Stein says:

    Taking care of our loved ones is very rewarding. But, it can get physically straining in the long run. Using these medical devices can make caregiving less strenuous. Also, this can give your loved one a sense of independence without putting her well-being in danger. This is perfect for seniors who prefer to stay home than inside nursing homes or assisted living facilities. This can really help a lot of family caregivers take care of their loved ones while doing other responsibilities. Thank you Shelley and Jennifer for sharing this!

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