14 BBQ Recipes for Grilling Season

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Our grill is fired up and it’s officially BBQ season in this household. This post is sponsored by Foodie, but all opinions are my own. Warm weather makes me so happy for many different reasons. One of those reasons is BBQ food. Not only do I love it, but my husband is the one who does the grilling. This lets me off the hook for dinners several nights of the week! Need I say more?

14 BBQ Recipes for Grilling Season

Last year we did a lot of grilling, but didn’t get all that adventurous with our food choices. We pretty much stuck to the usual burgers, chicken sandwiches, steak, etc. This year I want us to try some new BBQ recipes. While browsing Foodie.com, I was pretty much drooling at the gorgeous pictures and scrumptious-looking recipes.

It’s interesting to see all of the things that are great on the grill. Meat is the obvious choice, but people grill veggies and fruit, too. Every meal can be created using the grill, including desserts. I mean, grilled pineapple with ice cream on top? I am game to try that. Or BBQ bananas with chocolate and marshmallows? I wouldn’t say no to that.

Having a pool in our backyard means that we also try to host several summer gatherings. Creating some impressive BBQ recipes comes in handy then, too. We love to offer tasty and creative food and try to make sure that there is something for everyone. I am very pleased with my Foodie collection so far. Check it out!!

14 BBQ Recipes for Grilling Season

What’s your favorite BBQ recipe? Do you do a lot of grilling?

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  1. i love to grill pineapple in the summer!

  2. Julie Wood says:

    I love Barbecue food for the summer. It is one of my favorite grilling dishes. I like a lot of these recipes and need to try them out. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ellen Christian says:

    I generally make our BBQ sauce from scratch.We haven’t taken our grill out yet. It’s a bit early in Vermont yet.

  4. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says:

    I’m not a big griller yet but I know my dad dabbles in some simple grilled creations when the weather turns warmer. Now that the weather is FINALLY turning warmer (knock wood) I can’t wait to experience some great BBQ foods 🙂

  5. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    Here in New England, we brave the weather year round and grill all year long – we are rebellious like that 😉 We are pretty traditional when it comes to grilling – burgers and dogs for us!

  6. I am so glad the weather has warmed up and I can use the grill. I used it a few times already! Great recipe roundup – I’ll have to try some of these.

  7. I had grilled pineapple in Mexico and it was awesome. Definitely have to try the recipe for it.

  8. Amber Edwards says:

    Oh I go grilling all the time! We grill more than we cook in our kitchen actually! I can’t wait to try these recipes!

  9. valmg @ From Val's Kitchen says:

    We haven’t been able to grill in a couple of years because our grill broke. I miss it.

  10. Jenn @ The Rebel Chick says:

    I love fresh burgers on the grill! We’re in Florida so our grilling season is long compared to many others.

  11. Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens says:

    Those BBQ ribs have me drooling over here. I love BBQ season and great recipe collection!!!

  12. Dawn Lopez says:

    Oh my! I loooove grilled foods! Best part about summer! The Grilled Pineapples with Bourbon Pecan Sauce is making me seriously hungry right now! Thanks for the fabulous recipes!

  13. I love collections like these, thanks for sharing!

  14. My husband loves to grill, and I think anything with BBQ is his favorite. He make some crazy awesome ribs!

  15. Pauline C. says:

    AHH, these looks so YUMMY!! I do a lot of grilling with my family especially during the summer 🙂

  16. I love to do ribs on the grill and burgers. Oh how I love BBQ burgers!

  17. I like doing fish on the BBQ with garlic and rosemary.

  18. Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks) says:

    Great recipes! Perfect for summertime and especially Memorial Day coming up! Can’t wait for grillin’ out again!

  19. I like BBQ chicken and I love putting fruit on the grill, things like pineapple and peaches. I don’t do a lot of grilling =, but those are the things that I enjoy.

  20. Birdiebee says:

    I love to grill every chance I get. My favorites foods to BBQ are salmon, asparagus and corn on the cob.

  21. Linda Szymoniak says:

    I’ve always loved cooking out on the grill, and am always looking for new recipes. We just got a new grill – one that has side burners, too – so I’m raring to go. My daughter is having her annual cookout for her friends next weekend, and the weekend after that is the 4rh, so I’m going to have to try a couple of these recipes. I’m getting hungry just looking at the photos.

  22. Brigid OHara Koshko says:

    We barbecue just about everything on the grill. Meat, chicken, veggies, pizza, even fruit. Whatever I have on hand we throw on the grill.

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