Cool Icicles of the Polar Vortex

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Icicles are everywhere during this never ending polar vortex. Here in the midwest, it feels like mother nature has been been showing her strength relentlessly. We get it. You are a badass.

In an effort to try to find the beauty in all things, I have been admiring all of the icicles. Some are strange, enormous, impressive, and downright beautiful.

Cool Icicles of the Polar Vortex

Side note: I totally had to Google icicle to figure out how to spell it. That was a rough one!

If someone could explain to me how this first one happened that would be great. This is a heater in our backyard that somehow formed a horizontal icicle. You can see the snow ledge on top resting on the icicle.

Cool Icicles of the Polar Vortex

This icicle coming out of a sprinkler system was posted by a friend of mine on Facebook. I am assuming this sucks badly for the owner of this system.

Here’s another one from our backyard. I thought it was interesting to see how the layers formed to make the icicle wider.

Cool Icicles of the Polar Vortex

I asked my sister to snap some pics of the icicles by her house. We are both having fun playing with our new DSLR cameras, so this was an easy request. 😉 She also lives in a more wooded area than I do, so there’s more nature action over there.

Cool Icicles of the Polar Vortex

Cool Icicles of the Polar Vortex


Cool Icicles of the Polar Vortex

Cool Icicles of the Polar Vortex

It’s awesome the way the DSLR camera allows you to capture such detail in the ice.

Cool Icicles of the Polar Vortex

Cool Icicles of the Polar Vortex

That last one reminds me of a caterpillar. They are all beginning to melt now, but it’s been fun studying them while they were here. We must all use serious caution while walking under these spiky icicles, too. Definitely don’t want any of these frozen spears falling on you!

Do you have any large icicles by you? Were any of them strangely shaped?

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  1. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says:

    You know, not a lot of people would stop and seek out icicles just for their beauty! It’s something so easily overlooked in the winter, especially at the tail end when you’re just ready for it to be OVER.

    Although I will say I enjoyed all your pictures! I hope one day to get my hands on a DSLR, too ^.^

    1. You need a DSLR Kayla! I know you would be a person that would just LOVE it. You deserve one!!!

  2. I love looking at icicles, but hate them on my house. Even though pretty, they can be so damaging.

    1. I agree! Trust me, I won’t miss them once they are gone. Super ready for warmer weather!

  3. Jen Temcio @dapperhouse says:

    I love these pics! We have been LOVING the icicles around our home town lately near Chicago! they are so pretty.

  4. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    Very cool photos, especially the one if it coming down off the roof!

  5. Ellen Christian says:

    Icicles are so gorgeous. We have quite a few here!

  6. I’m always fascinated with icicles and we certainly get plenty of them in the mountain range here. So gorgeous when they are draped on the side of a rock wall. I do not enjoy the weather that accompanies them, however!

  7. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    those are some serious icicles! I live in Florida so I do not know about those but they look dangerous if they fell on you!

  8. Those are some cool looking icicles. I haven’t seen real ones in years. Although they look neat, I bet they can be dangerous.

  9. Very pretty pictures, I wish we had some snow.

  10. Jennifer @TheRebelChick says:

    As cool as those look, I am terrified of them! I can just imagine one poking right through my eye ball!

  11. Nancy Polanco says:

    WOW. These pictures are stunning. I love the icicles. So beautiful.

  12. These are all such great pictures. It’s easy for me to get caught up wishing it were warmer and to forget how beautiful winter really can be!

  13. Melanie Roberts says:

    I love the look of icicles.. thanks sooo much for sharing these AWESOME pictures… I never get to see them here in Florida, your post sure made me smile…thanks

  14. Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says:

    I was so excited when I saw a few on my car a week ago. It’s fun to see that down here. But that sprinkler one? Eeks!

  15. Ashley - Embracing Homemaking says:

    I love icicles! I have been fascinated with them since I was a kid. They are just beautiful!

  16. I love that you took the time ot photogaph these! Beautiful

  17. Dominique says:

    Beautiful icicles! Except the one out of the sprinkler system lol. I live in Chicago, so we have a whole wall of these off of our garage!

  18. Wendy | Around My Family Table says:

    WOW! Great photos. I just love icicles….we don’t get them in Phoenix so I’m always in awe when I see them.

  19. Heather @ It's a Lovely Life! says:

    Wow! Those are crazy cool! Living in So Cal we never get icicles… so they are super exciting for me to see!

  20. Gorgeous photos! such a great reminder of the beauty of winter

  21. wow, that is so super cool… we had some ice here in Texas and I got some cool photos…

  22. Liza @ Views From the 'Ville says:

    I’ve always loved looking at icicles. Growing up, we had some that would form from the roof of the porch on our house down to the ground. They were a good foot wide at the top and HEAVY! Really pretty, though.

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