8 Random Ways to Entertain Yourself on Facebook

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Since caller-ID and cell phones have pretty much taken away our prank calling abilities, we have to find ways to entertain ourselves on Facebook. Here are some random, completely harmless ways to mess with your friends. Keep it nice. No cyber-bullying EVER!

Random Ways to Entertain Yourself on Facebook

8 Random Ways to Troll your Friends on Facebook

Tag yourself in your friends’ pics. Miss a fun-looking outing? Just tag yourself in the picture. All of them.

Call all your friends “Bae” while commenting. Most people that I know cannot stand the “word” bae. So, it’s fun to use it on them as often as possible.

unnecessary grammar police

Play “Grammar Police” on perfectly correct posts.

Make up memories and post them excitedly on your oldest friend’s wall.Post the best renaissance babies on people's walls with legit best wishes.

Post the best renaissance babies on people’s walls with legit best wishes.

Suggest random recipe ingredients to your friends. Like the trifle on “Friends”. A layer of whipped cream, pudding, cake, and … ground beef.

Update your status with a deep, heartfelt “ode to coffee” or pizza, or some random object. Put your heart into it.

Check in while you are at home, but name your location something awesome. Like, Underground Narwhal Training Lair.

Check in while you are at home, but name your location something awesome. Like, Underground Narwhal Training Lair.

Sometimes I am just in a goofy mood and need to entertain myself on social media. It’s not often, but it happens.

Do you do anything funny to entertain yourself on Facebook?

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