Filthy Rich Dream Wish List

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One day if when I have entirely way too much money, after many generous donations to needy animals, here are some of the things on my dream wish list that I shall splurge on…

Lazy river inside the house? Um, absolutely.

My own island yacht? But, of course.

This bunk bed to have the top as a reading nook!

This shower for sure.

Slides as a means of transportation throughout the house, to go down at least…

And amazing staircases to go back up!

Our bedroom, which will be attached to the lazy river, naturally.

I wouldn’t hate this humongous hammock in the back yard…

And, of course, everyone needs a vacation home…

I think I am being quite practical, don’t you? 😉

What would you add to your dream wish list?

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  1. Susieqtpies says:

    Love this post! I’ll take one of each. Thanks for linking this up in my Pinterest Saturday Post! I gave you a big fat pin 🙂 Susie

  2. Tarasview says:

    oh, now that is an excellent wish list 🙂

  3. Really cool wish list! I could wish for many of these myself!

  4. Great post, thank you! I hope you get your wish!

  5. wow. I’d be happy to have any of these things! lol

  6. Shairbearg says:

    I love it all, except the lazy river bed island. I would end up falling out of bed in my sleep, and drowning 😛

  7. Nice!!! Now to find a lovely cushy job to pay for it all! :b

    1. Right?! Let me know if you find one!

  8. Its not fair that some of those are real and in peoples homes. Imagine floating in your own lazy river whenever you feel like it or haning out in that gazeboish thing. Not fair at all :*(

  9. Wouldn’t the bedroom surrounded by the pool smell too much like chlorine? not sure if I could sleep in there

    1. That is a very good point! I wouldn’t want to sleep around that smell.

    2. It could be salt water! Although I’m pretty used to the smell of chlorine after swimming and working at a pool for 10 years, so I wouldn’t mind either way :]

    3. super rich people who could afford a lazy river inside their homes could probably also afford mineral cleansing for their pool which is much more expensive but has no smell. all natural

  10. Every time I see this, I think the same thing. . . . . that bed looks like a snorlax.

    1. And now I can’t not see it……Wow!

  11. The lazy river might be a bad idea after stumbling in the house after a case of beer and Jager shots.

    1. LOL! I would definitely say so! Wear a life vest.

  12. I’m with everything but the river in the bedroom. what if your phone rang in the middle of the night and you knocked it into the water? that would suck.


    1. I’m super rich – I’ll just get another phone out of the cabinet,lol!

  13. Cool Savings Online says:

    Those ideas are like way out there…… I liked the shower the best. That would be the very first thing I would put into my filthy rich house….. But of course, there would have to be two of them….. one for me, one for my husband and OOPS, one more for the dog.

    Heaven, I’m in heaven……………

    Cool Savings

  14. Fantastic list, that island yacht is ridiculous – I aim to end up there one day 😛

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  15. Dude, nobody cares about how perfect you claim your life is, or how much money you wish you could spend. Why not do something useful with your time?

    1. So, commenting on posts qualifies as time wisely spent? And, dude, where does it say my life is perfect? This is a DREAM wishlist – for fun. Get over it.

  16. Tom In Oak Cliff says:

    Pretty nice list. I’m sure there are loads of really wonderful reading nooks out there if you had the money. I’d probably go for that part first. Thanks for putting this together.

  17. That bedroom surrounded by water could be lethal after a heavy night drinking!

  18. Laptops in Chennai says:

    A Vacation Home is my dream list..

    I like all the cool designs

  19. Wow. I was immediately sold for the lazy river/island bed combo. It seems so peaceful.

  20. Alright, you’ve convinced me. I’m putting in a lazy river when I get my dream house. my only fear is that my stuff will fall in… hmm :/ Naturally the book cases are going in a different room.

  21. I’m in, for all of it!

  22. I never thought of having a lazy river in the house… but a lazy river circling my “party barn” that I want to build behind my dream home on acreage has always been on my list. 🙂

  23. Wow, the island yacht is fantastic, I dare not think what it costs. 🙂


  24. I would LOVE the lazy river… SIGN ME UP!!

  25. imagine falling in the lazy river after the night of getting drunk on the gazebo.

    1. hahaha that was exactly what I was thinking #alcoholicProblems

  26. i want all of it but suspect that I will never get my wish!! 🙂

  27. I’d take any of those houses or designs anyday.

  28. Karen Kupke says:

    Love this, and your sense of humor is delightful!

  29. Damn, I want this shower cabin it really looks amazing 🙂

  30. Naturalhandcraftedsoap says:

    The staircases is the best looking .

  31. Having your bedroom alongside the lazy river would make your bedding damp and what about the smell of chlorine? Totally unrealistic.

    1. Not much about this post is practical, really! Even if I had the money, all of this is outrageous.

  32. Kayla-Marie says:

    I love this! I think the staircase idea is amazing, plus the bunk bed is just breathtaking. =) And who cares if the bedding is a little damp, and your room smells like chlorine! I think that person’s attitude is the only thing putting a damper on the situation. lol A girl can dream! I love it! =D

  33. Chris@dailynewsdig says:

    I hope you will let me come and stay with you a few times a year, 🙂

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