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For the Love of Humans

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Thank you Allstate for sponsoring this post. I chose to write this post because doing good in local communities is at Allstate’s core.
For all my talk of being an introvert and preferring the company of furry creatures over most of humanity, I think it’s important to take a moment and embrace the goodness in people. Negativity is easy to find everywhere, but if that’s all we focus on, the world and our vision of the future becomes quite gloomy.

Two teens and their mom overlooking a ski resort in the summer.

“Good Hearts, Good HandsSM

My faith that the future has good hearts is restored every time I look and talk to my kids. They’re constantly thinking bigger than themselves to make their community a better place. Whether it’s lending a hand to clean up after a school performance or talking to the kid sitting alone at lunch, these young people are doing small things every day to make a big difference.

In fact, my son recently made a big gesture by enlisting in the United States Navy.

Teen boy walking down the hall to Navy recruiting office

Several parents have asked me how I’m taking his decision to pursue a military career, noticeably bracing themselves for the answer. However, my response is always dripping with pride and gratitude. My son’s desire to make a difference in the world started when he was in diapers. He used whatever skills at his disposal to make those around him happy–drawings, silly dance moves, or simple hugs delivered with a running a start. Adam has always been dedicated to changing his environment for the better.

Growing Up

As he’s gotten older, his ability to meaningfully impact others has become greater. There is no doubt in my mind that he will do incredible things wherever he goes. He started in our community and he’ll now have the opportunity to spread his energy around the world.

Chesney Gooding

My daughter is just as heroic as her brother. She is wise beyond her years and gives her time to anyone who needs it. She is constantly thinking of others and finding ways to brighten their days.

Her goal is to become a teacher. She intends to influence future generations and continue the beautiful cycle of positive change in the world.

I was a young and, admittedly, unprepared mom right out of the gate. However, a community of people formed a support team that helped mold these kids into who they are today. Like myself, Allstate believes in youth empowerment. One way they look to inspire the next generation is through community projects, empowering young people to become leaders and change-makers.

Mom and daughter, Shelley VanWitzenburg and Chesney Gooding

Allstate’s dedication to the communities in which they live and work is core to who they are as a company. When a child feels like they’ve contributed to positive difference in their community, they’re changed forever. The feeling and the moment become a part of who they are.

The Community Spirit

Because of projects like Allstate’s “Good Hearts, Good HandsSM”, we can be confident there will be ‘good’ in the future. Allstate believes that young people aren’t waiting for change to happen – they’re creating it.

Watch this video and see what Allstate is doing in communities:

As you can see, by lending their hands, hearts, and voices to their communities, youth are not only making change, but they’re also building critical social and emotional learning skills like problem-solving, empathy and teamwork. These skills will help ensure their future success.

This post was written as part of the Allstate Influencer Program and sponsored by Allstate. All opinions are mine. As the nation’s largest publicly held personal lines insurer, Allstate is dedicated not only to protecting what matters most–but to guiding people to live the Good Life, every day.

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