Help a Stuffy Nose and Shorten Your Cold
When you catch a nasty cold, most likely you beg for a way to help a stuffy nose. There’s something about blocked nasal passages that propels the discomfort of a cold into another dimension. It affects sleep and just everything when you are forced to breathe solely through your mouth. I created this post as part of a #sponsored series with Socialstars and Zicam®; all opinions are my own. #ZicamCrowd

Help a Stuffy Nose
This is the time of year when catching a cold is pretty darn easy. Everyone is out and around more people. Extra hugs and kisses are passed along. Shopping and touching all sorts of public surfaces is happening. It’s cold enough outside to wonder if your eyeball can really freeze inside your skull. Basically, it’s a smart move to stock your medicine cabinets with items that can help shorten colds.

We are Zicam® fans here and have been for quite a while. However, there are many of their products I didn’t know about. Take the Zicam® Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs, for example. My first reaction upon seeing the box was, “Oh my gosh, I cannot wait to get sick.” Yeah, what a weirdo, right? But, come on. We have all been there. When your nose is so stuffed that you’ll try anything for the sweet relief of decongestion. Seeing that these swabs contain cooling eucalyptus sounds so soothing.

I normally don’t go straight for anything that requires insertion into my nostrils, but these swabs don’t go up far at all. All you do is swirl it around to apply the solution to the sides of your nostrils. The zinc-free homeopathic formula works to help shorten the duration of a cold while it helps calm your stuffy nose. The swabs are easy to transport for use on-the-go, too.

Thanks to my sister sharing her last cold, I got to try out the Zicam® Nasal Swabs. Just as suspected, they were everything I hoped for. First of all, I know to start using Zicam® products as soon as I feel anything coming on. Every time I start getting a cold my right eye waters and my right nasal passage clogs up. Those must be my weak spots cause they are always the first to go. As soon as I feel that familiar tingle, I grab the supplies. Mike and I will both say with confidence that our colds are shorter since we found Zicam® a few years back.
With holiday events packing the calendar, the last thing I want to do is miss out on anything. And I most definitely don’t want to show up with the right side of my face leaking. Gross. So, we will remain fully stocked with Zicam® products, and the Zicam® Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs will forever be included in the lineup.

If you need to help a stuffy nose this season or want to stock up on cold shortening products, definitely grab some Zicam® Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs.
I have used Zicam and it really does work in helping to cut down the symptoms of a bad cold. I need to get some more because I ran out!
I would like to keep Zicam® Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs in the house. I really do not have time to be sick for a long time!
Oh we have these. My husband swears by them. So far so good!!
I will have to give this cold shortening product a try. I just hate getting a cold, especially a long last cold. A day or two is not bad, but a week long cold just knocks me out of circulation. I think from reading this, that time is of the essence, so get treatment at the first sign of a cold. Good advise.
I haven’t ever tried these. My poor husband gets colds all of the time!
I wouldn’t mind using swabs for a stuffy nose. I hate sprays and have a hard time swallowing pills so have to take liquid meds. So nasty. I’ll be looking for this the next time for sure!
Interesting! I have not used these nor have I seen them in the market. I would be up to trying it. Anything to shorten being sick. I am a horrible patient.
I used to use Zicam all the time and it was awesome! I’ll have to stock up on this, because I’m sure we will need some in the next few months. I love that it is a natural treatment.
I haven’t seen these before but I would be willing to get some to have on hand before I get a cold.
Zicam is amazing. It works wonderfuly well to shorten a cold time.
my son totally needs to help a stuffy nose right now. We just went to the dr. and that was completely useless- I will have to locate this product
I always think ill die when i habe stuffy nose before i sleep