Jaxx 36″ Round Dog Bed from The Soothing Company Review

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Jaxx is well known for their bean bags. Well, now you can get your furry friend one to match! This 36″ round dog bed is super comfy and sure to spoil your pampered pooch. It comes in several different colors, and has many practical features… Product received for review. Post contains affiliate links.

  • Moisture proof liner
  • Eco-friendly – made with 100% recycled shredded furniture grade urethane foam
  • Easy zip-off cover that is machine washable
  • Made in the USA

Jaxx 36″ Round Dog Bed from The Soothing Company

jaxx pet bed

Our German Shepherd, Hilo, has been banned from all dog beds. We gave it several tries, but he just completely destroys them. I decided to get this bed for The Grump. Up until a few weeks ago he loved to curl up into my lap, but now he’s getting too big. 🙁 He likes to hang out with me while I write reviews, so I thought this would be perfect for him.

The bed arrived packed tightly and you would never guess how big it would become. This was my first time dealing with this type of foam, so I read the instructions carefully. You have to unwrap the tightly-compacted foam and allow it to expand. However, this must be done carefully! Make sure you read all of the instructions before you do this, and it would be helpful to have two people. I did it by myself and ended up with a little bit of a mess.

After unwrapping all of the tape surrounding the foam, you place the bag of foam into the liner. This is where help is appreciated. One person should hold/dump the bag in while the other starts to zip up the liner. The instructions say “allow up to 6 hours for foam to expand”. This made me think that it would expand very slowly. Um, not really! It starts to expand immediately, it’s just not fully expanded until about 6 hours. So, just take that into consideration or you will have foam all over your room. I made sure to vacuum up the few pieces that did escape right away, otherwise the puppy would have definitely eaten them!

jaxx dog bed

In a few hours I fluffed the Jaxx dog bed and it was ready for The Grump to test it. I let him figure it out on his own and it did not take long. I placed the bed next to the chair in my office and he plopped onto it within minutes. What happened next was too funny… he brought a toy onto the bed with him and he was playing. All of a sudden I looked over and he was sound asleep. He must have gotten so comfy that he passed out mid-play! I wish my camera would have been close to me at that time because it was too cute.

This is a very high quality dog bed. You may think it’s a little pricy at $90, but you get what you pay for in this case. I can see us having this bed for a long time.

This Jaxx 36″ round dog bed comes from The Soothing Company, an online retailer, that offers bean bags, aquariums, water fountains, and much more!

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    1. It is. Not gonna lie… I definitely laid on it. lol 😉

  1. What a cutie! My dogs would love to have that bed!

  2. DenSchool says:

    I’m glad The Grump is enjoying his new bed! 😀

  3. Wendy @ AMFT says:

    It looks so comfy! Super cute little dog. 🙂

  4. Sarah @ East9thStreet says:

    He is too dang cute! Looks like a great bed even though it is a little pricey.

  5. I just looooove your doggy more and more every minute!!! What a cool looking bed!

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