Our Trip to the Little Red Schoolhouse

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I have been bugging Mike to take me to the Little Red Schoolhouse for a while now. I hadn’t been there in such a long time that I was just dying to go. My Grandmother used to take me there all the time when I was a child.

Little Red Schoolhouse on a Beautiful Day

The little red schoolhouse.

The Little Red Schoolhouse nature center is only about 15 minutes from our house. It is such a nice place to go for walks or take the family. It’s free, educational, and fun – what more could you ask for?!

I didn’t realize that they are closed on Fridays, so we did not get to enter the building, but we walked the 1 2/3 mile trail and got some nice pictures.

I was surprised to see that they have a large, new building. I only remembered the actual red schoolhouse that is pictured above.

Weeping willow tree over a pond with lilypads.

As soon as we reached the pond a flood of memories hit me. It was so nostalgic and I felt so happy and a little sad at the same time.

This also explains my love of weeping willow trees! This must have been where I first fell in love with them.

Weeping willow tree over a pond.

We had the perfect day. It was a little cool, but there was not a cloud in the sky. Everything looked so bright and beautiful!

Tree with tiny pink flowers.
Tree with white and pink flowers.
Four pictures of a a pond at the Little Red Schoolhouse nature center.

Look closely, there’s a frog in there…

A frog in a pond.

We kept hearing a woodpecker… Then I looked up and saw his possible home!

Woodpecker house?
Fish in a pond.
Nature path at the little red schoolhouse.

Mike thought this tree looked like a grumpy old man!

Tree with a grumpy man face.

I love these pink flowers!

Pink flowers on a tree.
A tree with pink flowers next to a red building.

There were a few owls outside in cages. So neat!

Owl in a cage.
Owl in a cage.

Remember these???

A phone booth with a payphone in it.

It was a very nice, little nature walk and we will definitely be back soon!

Do you have a nice, local place that’s pretty to visit?

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