Dogs Can Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety

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Our dogs are more than pets to us. They are part of the family and make both of us extremely happy. Mike and I both find ourselves laughing more because of our dogs.

Dogs Relieve Stress

Everyone has their issues, right? Well, so do we. Mike has high blood pressure and I have horrible anxiety. We both have anger issues, too. (Not towards each other, but just in general.) Mike takes medicine for his blood pressure, but I can no longer take anything for the anxiety. Ever since we got our dogs, the happiness they bring seems to be better than any medication!

Of course, when they are puppies they are a lot of work. But, looking into that precious puppy face seems to make it all worth it. The unconditional love that dogs have for their owners is so unique and priceless. They deserve just as much love in return. To be honest, I think Mike and I like our dogs more than most people! (Shhhhh.) 😉

dogs for therapy

There have been times when my anxiety gets the best of me and all I can do is cry. I can be so overly-emotional and apparently have no coping tools to deal. At times like these I like to just go into my room and let it all out. Recently when this happened, Grump definitely sensed that something was wrong with me. He came up onto the bed with me and snuggled in as close as he could to me. What happened next was too sweet for words… he actually looked up into my eyes and placed his tiny paw into my hand. OMG! I definitely cried harder after that, but it was so heartwarming. This little creature has my heart.

Dogs make great companions for people of all ages. Look how my Grama just loves the Grump. And he adores her right back!


Both dogs crack us up on a daily basis. The two of them together are hilarious. They are best buds and always frolicking around or cuddling together. Getting both of them was the best decision ever. I swear 9 out of 10 times that I look over at the Grump he’s doing something that makes me smile.

Cesar Canine Cuisine recognizes how dogs play such a therapeutic role in peoples’ lives. They have created the Share a Story and Share the Love campaign, where dog lovers can share their stories of therapy dogs through social media. In return, Cesar will share the love with three therapy dog organizations by donating to them. Together we can all support them and raise awareness of the importance of therapy dogs.

You can help with this amazing program by sharing your story! Please visit Cesar and also follow them on Twitter and Facebook to show your support.

Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in an ambassador program by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Cesar and received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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  1. vickie marks allbright says:

    i absolutly agree with this post thank you for sharing

  2. Kathleen Noland says:

    Dogs are THE best. I am so happy to have my dog in my life.

  3. brittany m doerfler says:

    i always knew there were benefits to having dogs

  4. brittany gimble says:

    Dogs are great stress relievers and always know how too cheer me up 🙂

  5. Stephanie Johnson says:

    I agree! My father passed away last year and having his dog is so bittersweet for my Mom. I love knowing she has the animal he loved so much and that she has him (the pooch) to still take care of!

  6. melissa freeman says:

    I love dogs thanks for the post.

  7. rachel rohde says:

    i find this 100% true. we have a dog in our house and he calms me down all the time.

  8. Ambrielle B says:

    I completely agree, My doggie can turn my frown upside down, he knows when I am sad, stressed, etc and will give kisses, or cuddle. He is a large yellow lab so it is super funny when he cuddles across your lap

  9. Denise M. says:

    This is an awesome article! I LOVE my pets! They make me happy when I’m sad, ease my tension, and just love me for who I am!

  10. rebecca day says:

    i agree with this thank you for sharing

  11. awe. love my pets. my dogs do not relieve my stress though. my cats do. strange i know!

  12. Stephanie B says:

    Aww! I miss having a dog 🙁

  13. I think I’m going to have to get me a dog 🙂

  14. Dee Cindee says:

    I have a niece who raises Paws with a Cause puppies. They are real stress relievers

    1. That’s amazing! I bet that is a very rewarding job! 🙂

  15. cindy mckean says:

    Dogs are the best. I Love my 4-legged baby, Fats! And like you, I like him more than most people!! LOL

  16. Wendi B ~ Wendi's Book Corner ~ Rainy Day Reads (And More) In Seattle says:

    What a great campaign and story to share. 🙂 We used to have 2 toy poodles (I’m allergic to dogs, cats and birds, but did ok with them), and one died just before our first baby, and the other died just after we had our second. 🙂 I miss them, but not the messes. I miss the greetings at the door, and the cuddles throughout the day, so I know that our family will be getting a four-legged friend in the nearish future. I do miss the peace the dogs brought me.

    thanks for sharing 😉

  17. jose gueits says:

    i have a little one and she is fun

  18. Danielle B says:

    Thats a great article! Our dogs are our babies and part of our family!

  19. Samantha Stamp says:

    My dog passed away a couple years back…I haven’t been the same since I lost him. My boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend just got a puppy! He’s a cocker spaniel just like I had! His name is Henry and I try and spend as much time with him as I can! He makes me feel so much better, so much happier! I know I won’t be able to have a dog for a few more years when I’ll have time to actually care for him or her! But in the mean time I will play with Henry and enjoy every minute of it!

  20. Heather Allen maston says:

    I have 4 dogs and 5 puppies and yes they help keep me un stressed…I just sit down and they all love on me…its pretty wonderful

    1. OH wow! That’s a lot of lovin’! I would love to get maybe one more.

  21. This could not be more true! I definitely miss my pup now that I’ve moved away from home 🙁

  22. Sheila Vives says:

    Dogs are always great to come home too !

  23. Terry Madden says:

    It has been a Godsend to have our little dog I lost my dog that I had 14 years. I really thought I would never get another one,but she has helped me so much.

  24. Emma Dean Smith says:

    I have a very lovable mini greyhound she keeps us going daily and she loves to get up in my lap she comfort me in time of need .I have a bird also he been with me for 13 yrs. and all he does is minick music or whistles I love my pets.

    1. Ooooh… mini greyhounds are so CUTE!

      1. Emma Dean Smith says:

        Yes she so cute her name is ZARA!

  25. Laura O in AK says:

    I don’t question that dogs can offer wonderful companionship and still miss our wonderful Irish Setter that died 4 years ago. Some day we’ll get a new pet for our family (I just won’t do it until the boys can help keep the house clean!)

  26. Jennifer Boehme says:

    I have a 55 lb mix and a puppymill survivor Pug that help so much with my anxiety, depression, and anger. They may be the only thing that makes me smile all day. And they keep me busy if I can’t leave my bed that day. My pug is doing better and adjusting of no more puppymill, and helping her with her depression and issues keeps me happy knowing I am helping her also. They also help my high blood pressure by just petting them and venting/talking to them. Anyone with any issues should get a dog, they help so much! My grandma was dying and not moving from her recliner till we got her a dog. That dog added 4 years to her life and she was moving all the time.

    1. Ah! I want to rescue ALL the Pugs!!! I agree with everything. Just petting them can be so soothing. That’s amazing with your Grandma! I know my Gram’s pets keep her young, too.

  27. I love dogs! I had one in the past :(( I miss him so much 🙁

  28. Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired says:

    Dogs are awesome! We used to have 3 at one time but they all got old. 🙁 Now we don’t have any and we travel too much to have one. I hope to have one again someday.

  29. Credit Donkey says:

    Your dogs are so beautiful. I love dogs and I have a mini dachshund named Trotsky whom I love terribly. But I also love cats. Funny cat pictures and videos always crack me up.

  30. Julie Wood says:

    Dogs have their own personalities and like to do things there way! I just love dogs! I had three dogs at one time, but now I have one dog, but he is a really good dog who loves spending time with me. Dogs can really reduce stress and make me feel calm!

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