Perplexus Puzzle Game is Fun for All

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I love putting entertaining things, like a puzzle or simple game, on my coffee table. So often we don’t even turn on the TV because whatever I have set out distracts from needing that mindless entertainment. It’s great that the kids aren’t always begging to turn on some mind-numbing show because they’re focused on something interesting and complex. Product received for review. Post contains affiliate links.

Perplexus Puzzle Game

While attending BlogHer12 in New York last month, I saw a blogger friend of ours walking around with a Perplexus puzzle ball. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to get my hands on one. I was thrilled when I got the opportunity to review the Perplexus Original!


This is now living on my coffee table and everyone, I mean everyone, can’t help but grab it. It is completely addicting! With 100 different barriers, the fun lasts for a long time! And, the best part of this is there is no clean-up. You don’t have to worry about loosing pieces or little ones choking; it’s all contained inside the ball.

This also makes this puzzle perfect for travel. Keep the kids (and adults too) busy on car rides, planes, trains, you name it! We brought it to the doctor’s office and everyone was asking to take a turn in the waiting room.

Adam with the Perplexus puzzle game

My son, Adam, was determined to get the ball into the very center. He was so proud when he finally did it!

ball in center of Perplexus Original

Then my daughter, Chesney, couldn’t wait to take her turn. Her whole body got into the act. She was walking around the whole house twisting, turning and flipping the ball.

Perplexus Original Puzzle Ball fun

It’s no wonder this toy has won several awards. It’s fun, educational and in my daughter’s case, exercises more than just your brain!

Check out their website to see the other puzzle balls too!

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  1. Danielle Rambo says:

    I would like to win because it looks cool and my kids would love it:)

  2. Crissy D. says:

    This would be a great activity for my kids

  3. Tabitha Pyle says:

    I’d like to win the twist

  4. This would be for me! Love puzzles.

  5. Twila Keenan says:

    This looks like a fun puzzle. Hope I win the twist

  6. Terry Cross says:

    I’d like to win because this would be a great gift for my grandson

  7. Maegan Morin says:

    I would like to win because I love time killing puzzle games 😀 ALOT

  8. krista grandstaff says:

    I would like to win because I think my kids would get a lot out of it… they tend to compete with one another and I can see them racing with this… 🙂 And, it’s a nice change of pace from the board and card games we usually play.

  9. Jeannette Laframboise says:

    I would like to win because it looks like a lot of fun! After looking at their site and videos I think I would even try it out! I thought it was mostly for children but it would be challenging and fun for anyone. Thanks for the chance to win!

  10. I want to win because it its something for the whole family to enjoy. Its fun, challenging and great for the young and old.

  11. Christina says:

    I would love to win for my nephew, he loves mind games and puzzles. Its also a game that the whole family could enjoy.

  12. A neat puzzle to try, yes!

  13. Eva Biggs says:

    I think my son would love this. He loves mazes.

  14. Rachael Henzman says:

    I would love to win because me and my family and friends love puzzle games. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  15. I’d like to win because my daughter wants one of these—actually she wants them all!

  16. Kasee Johnson says:

    This would be a perfect gift for my college freshman! He likes to do puzzles and mazes when he’s having trouble with schoolwork. And I can see his suite-mates enjoying this, too!

  17. Carolyn Ann Colley (Griffith, Smith) says:

    I think this would be great for my granddaughter & grandson. I think I would enjoy it too.

  18. Carrie Phelps says:

    My son inlaw is the king of any type of puzzle. I think this may be the one to stump him!

  19. I would like this for my two children.

  20. annette campbell says:

    This wuold keep my granddaughter entertained for hours!

  21. This looks right up my nephew’s alley, it would become his Christmas present if I won. Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. Epic looks like it will drive me and husband insane!

  23. amy williams says:

    I would love to win because Im not working this yr but my husband is doing a wonderful job for us and my 12 yr old knows this so he said this was the only thing he wanted I know this is not true and he will add to his list but he really wants one.

  24. Jessica Dunn says:

    The game looks really neat.

  25. Surendene J. says:

    I would love to win because the Perplexus Original Puzzle Ball looks challenging and fun at the same time. Thanks for the great giveaway! 😀

  26. Marlene V says:

    This would make a great gift for my son — he loves puzzles!!!

  27. Mary Williams says:

    I would love to win this because this is the only toy that my nephew has asked for for Christmas and I would love to help make that happen!

  28. Stephanie Hirsch says:

    I’d like to win because this looks like a great puzzle game for my kids! AND my husband. 😉

  29. I would like to win because it is entertaining and educational which would be great for my grandkids!

  30. Nicole L. says:

    I would like to win because the toy looks fun and challenging.

  31. The Perplexus game looks like a lot of fun.

  32. Because this looks like a lot of fun

  33. renee walters says:

    The Perplexus game looks like a lot of fun.

  34. EMMA L HORTON says:


  35. Katherine says:

    I would love the Epic twist

  36. Heather Freeman says:

    I learned that Perplexus is challenging and develops hand-eye coordination. I think this is a great product.

  37. I would love to win this for my grandson, he loves a challenge

  38. PinkySwayers says:

    I would like to win because I think my grandson would love it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  39. Jamie Dodd says:

    I would love to win for my girls. They would have such a blast!

  40. christine jessamine says:

    i would love to win because this would keep my kids busy

  41. Rhonda Cooley says:

    Would like to win the Rookie

  42. Sarah Harding says:

    id like to win so this can go under christmas tree for my daughter

  43. These look like the kind of toys my sons would like.

  44. My kids would enjoy the puzzle a lot!

  45. Brutus Duffy says:

    I’d like to win because this would make a very entertaining gift for my nephew and it’s NOT a video game! 🙂

  46. Debbie Welchert says:

    I would love to win this for the whole family to play. What a great challenging game for them.

  47. ericka coello says:

    I’ve wanted this toy since forever!

  48. I would love to win because it is hard to shop for a 9 year old boy and he would love this!

  49. i would love this for our nephew…he loves new challenges!

  50. Selena West says:

    3 boys- 6,8, 8 months. need i say more?

  51. Stephanie says:

    Would love to see how fun this is, looks like a blast

  52. I like toys like this that promote thinking

  53. Kimberley Meier says:

    I want to win because it looks fun!!

  54. This would be a great Christmas gift!

  55. Because my granddaughter would love it!

  56. Valerie Taylor Mabrey says:

    These look like all ages would love to try to conquer them
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  57. choateorama says:

    I would like to win because my son really wants one of these.

  58. Samantha Meyer says:

    It would be a great Christmas gift for one of the kids!

  59. It looks like a cool toy

  60. Lily Kwan says:

    I would like to win because this toy looks very fun!

  61. My husband would love this and so woul dmy son tehy adore this kinda thing

  62. My son would love this.

  63. I’d like to win because I’d love to give this to my puzzle loving son for Christmas

  64. Laura Miller says:

    I want to win so I can watch my hubby get frustrated with it, lol.

  65. Gina Rock says:

    I’d like to win so that I can give this to my daughter for Christmas!

  66. John Champagne Jr says:

    ive never heard of it im curious

  67. My daughter Would absolutely love this.

  68. Chrissy Nestor says:

    I’d like to win this for my daughter.

    chrissylea1979 (at)gmail(dot) com

  69. susan smoaks says:

    i would love to win because i know our son would truly enjoy this and i would too!

  70. This looks like a great brain teaser!

  71. Richard Hicks says:

    want to win for my nephew who is a puzzle addict

    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  72. Jennifer Peaslee says:

    I’d like to win because this looks so fun! I’d love to give it to my nephew for christmas!

  73. kathy pease says:

    id love this for my son jordan he loves a challenge

  74. I am always looking for challenging games for my girls

  75. Lucy Schwartz says:

    It just loks like fun. It is also nice that it is something one can play by themselves. A lot of games need more than one to play.

  76. shanta spradlin says:

    I love puzzles like this. keeps me busy.

  77. Sarah Yurga says:

    I want to win because it is such an unusual creative gift

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