Animal Instagram Accounts to Follow

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If you are looking for Instagram accounts to follow, I can recommend some animals.

Yes, many animals out there have their own Instagram accounts, and it’s glorious. I love adorable animal pictures, and the more that pop up in my feed, the better.

Everyone should start their day off with cute animals.

Adorable Animal Instagram Accounts to Follow

Tuna Melts my Heart

I don’t want to brag or anything, but I met (and held) Tuna, of Tuna Melts My Heart. My first celebrity dog meeting.

Motivational Bits

This is my little dog’s Instagram account. The goal is to post her cute pics along with tiny bits of motivation. It’s a work in progress!

Manny and Gizmo

I also had the pleasure to meet Gizmo. Gizmo volunteers as a therapy dog at a hospital near me. When my Gram was hospitalized, I was floored to recognize tiny Gizmo in the hallway. Being the animal lover that she was, Gizmo sure did bring my Gram some joy when she needed it the most.

Prissy Pig

Little piglets are so adorable. Prissy and friends are quite pampered and it’s fun to follow them on their adventures.

The Kardoggians

Here I am going to name drop again, but I met the human and pooch behind The Kardoggians at a Purina event. Adorableness was all around!

It’s Me Sesame

This account brings much-needed opossum awareness through images of the most adorable little misunderstood creatures.

Pompous Albert

Be prepared for an adorable soul takeover. His unique and hypnotizing look will capture your heart in the best way possible.

Rottnest Island

Have you ever heard of quokkas? This island is home to several of these adorable little beings. Their faces are so precious that this place is officially at the top of my bucket list.

Wilbur Wombat

Wombats, you guys. What took me so long to realize the cuteness of wombats? They are officially my new spirit animal.–muS1BWYw/

Hoary Marmots

I actually follow the hashtag #hoarymarmots because I haven’t found an account devoted to these hilarious creatures. Here is another spirit animal that I was sleeping on. Hoary marmots spend most of their lives sleeping, eating, and sunning on rocks. Yes, please!

Doug the Pug

Pugs are always welcome in my feed! Seeing those squishy faces should be a daily requirement!

Have any animal Instagram accounts to follow?

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One Comment

  1. Fee Roberts says:

    The cats seem mad except for the sad looking little kitty.

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