Banana Ice Cream Recipe with Nutella Chunks

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Banana ice cream is another way to use up overripe bananas. Just a head’s up – I used an ice cream maker for this recipe. I know there are ways to avoid using a machine, but I have never tried them. This post contains affiliate links, but all opinions are my own.

Banana Ice Cream Recipe with Nutella Chunks

I want to use my ice cream maker more often. It’s one of those items I just had to have while we were registering for our wedding. That, along with the bread maker, which I have yet to use. I love ice cream more than pretty much any food on the planet, so let’s do this. As usual, we had some bananas perishing on the counter. I had to do something with them to avoid being wasteful.

A few notes about this recipe: Using heavy cream would make the ice cream creamier, but I wanted to lessen the calories a bit, so I opted for Greek yogurt. The Nutella was actually an afterthought. The banana ice cream wasn’t all that flavorful, so I decided to plop some Nutella in it while it was still churning. The Nutella swirled in but froze into chunks which ended up being pretty delicious.

Banana Ice Cream Recipe with Nutella Chunks

Banana Ice Cream Recipe with Nutella Chunks



  1. Put everything except the Nutella into a blender and blend well.
  2. Add mixture into your ice cream maker and churn as per the directions.
  3. Drop the Nutella in while the ice cream is churning. It will swirl in and form chunks as it freezes.
  4. Store in freezer.

Banana Ice Cream Recipe with Nutella Chunks

The banana ice cream tasted the best after I froze it for a few hours. It’s ready right when it’s done churning, but, in this case, the texture and flavor were at their best after being in the freezer for a few hours. I will definitely make this again. We have racked up quite a few recipes to use up bananas, so be sure to check them out, as well.

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  1. I may be one of the last people on the planet to try Nutella.

  2. Yum! I definitely need to try this. I’d love to try this with dark chocolate hazel nut spread. Thank you for sharing this recipe, I will definitely try it.

  3. nicole dziedzic says:

    This Banana Ice Cream Recipe with Nutella Chunks is the perfect summer treat for my kids to cool down with. Better then the ice cream stand when it has Nutella in it.

  4. Julie Wood says:

    This is a really healthy dessert idea, and I love the ingredients and want to make this refreshing cold dessert right now because it is so hot! Thanks for sharing an awesome recipe.

  5. Tiffany Dover says:

    Mmmmmm! I love banana anything and this looks and sounds amazing. Doesn’t help that I’m also STARVING! Luckily, I’ve already got all of the ingredients to this at home and will totally be making this!

  6. Richard Hicks says:

    This is something that would be great to make on a hot summer day

  7. Linda Szymoniak says:

    My daughter has become obsessed with Nutella, and since I plan on buying a new ice cream maker this summer, we’ll definitely have to give this recipe a try. I’m getting hungry just reading the ingredients and instructions.

  8. Lorelai @ Life With Lorelai says:

    Mmm… chocolate, banana, and hazelnut! YUM! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty – we love partying with you! Hope to see you next Friday. 🙂

    Life With Lorelai

  9. Fee Roberts says:

    My granddaughter would absolutely love this. She loves bananas and Nutella.

  10. David Fultner says:

    I could use these right now.

  11. Tammy Woodall says:

    I’m a big fan of Banana Ice Cream. I used to buy Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey Ice Cream. However, I haven’t tried Nutella. I’m going to have to try out this recipe – it looks delicious.

  12. I love nutella but i never tried in mixed with ice cream. Sounds super yummy!

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