7 Beauty Tips from the Women in My Family

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Beauty tips tend to be passed on through the generations. During a recent family gathering, I was able to ask some of the women in my life which beauty tips they treasured the most. Lunchbox has sponsored this post, but all opinions are my own.

7 Beauty Tips from the Women in My Family

The bond between mothers and daughters can be one of the strongest ever. I love witnessing the mother-daughter relationships in my family. Now that I have several adult cousins, it’s interesting to see a familiar pattern. The majority went from “mommy’s little girl” to “semi-rebellious teen” to “strong independent best friend” with their mothers. Each one of them has undeniable similarities to their moms while becoming their own unique person.

7 Beauty Tips from the Women in My Family

My Aunt Denise, who I mentioned in this post, and her family were visiting from Colorado. This little get-together was so we could all see them while they were in town. She has the best relationship with her kids. She’s got that perfect parental balance of friendship, teacher, and disciplinarian.

7 Beauty Tips from the Women in My Family

My Aunt Carla and her twin daughters also have such a wonderful relationship. She has great boys, too, but you can really see the extra mother-daughter-friendship bond.

I tried to pick their brains to see which beauty tips they have passed on. wine was involved in this gathering, so some of their answers were a little sarcastic. In any case, they could prove to be great tips!

7 Beauty Tips from the Women in My Family

7 Beauty Tips from the Women in My Family

How to choose makeup — Go to the salesperson whose makeup you like the best.

Always leave the house looking your best — This isn’t about how you look as much as how you feel. Dress in what you feel comfortable and confident in.

Stay true to who you are — The world can be a tough place when it comes to acceptance. Don’t let it change you. Keep an open and empathetic mind, but never sacrifice your core values.

Purchase makeup before a night out — That way when you go to the makeup counter they can give you a mini-makeover. Boom. Makeup done for the night.

It’s okay to say no — If you don’t want to go somewhere or do something, just say no. It requires no further explanation. Don’t make up bogus excuses, just respectfully decline.

Pick a path and stay the course — Think about what you want to do with your life. Think about it for a long time. Once you choose, do what it takes to get there – whatever it takes.

Own your flaws — No one is perfect. As important as it is to be confident, it’s also powerful to get to know your weaknesses. Embrace your flaws and own them so they cannot own you.

Those were just some of the tips that my family felt as though they would pass on to their own children to help them grow into strong and confident women.

Share Your Beauty Story with Dove and Family Dollar

What inspires you to feel beautiful inside and out? Everyone has a beauty story or piece of inspiration they use to stay feeling beautiful. From strong women in your family to your beauty routine, Dove and Family Dollar want to know what makes you feel beautiful. Tweet at me using #ValueMeetsBeauty to join the conversation, and watch this video for a chance to win a $50 Family Dollar gift card!


To keep your beauty story going, head to Family Dollar and pick up Dove products from 5/29/15–6/28/15. While you’re there, take advantage of their great in-store offer, and save $2 on Dove products instantly when you purchase two participating Dove items.

Which beauty tips have you learned from the women in your life?

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  1. valmg @ Mom Knows It All says:

    I think they all shared good advice. I remember back before my Junior Prom, I did go to the mall and had my makeup done there.

  2. Great tips, and it sounds like a great group of ladies too. 🙂 Love #3, staying true to who you are is so important!

  3. It’s so fun to spot the family resemblance between mothers and daughters. I look like my mom a lot!!

  4. I have a great relationship with my mom! I love everything we do together! I think staying true to yourself and accepting your flaws are extremely important and one my mom made sure I did!

  5. Melissa Pezza says:

    I love this so much! I love it because it focuses on how we all learn our beauty tips for our closest loved ones. It’s such a bonding experience!

  6. Sharon Rooney says:

    I just love this post. Great advice.

    I think one of the most important is that beauty comes from within and to stay true to yourself.

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