Best Way to Stop Snoring so Everyone Sleeps Better

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We are on the hunt for the best way to stop snoring over here. Although my husband swears I tell stories, the man sounds like a chainsaw when he sleeps.

Since I am already a light sleeper, his snoring makes it extra challenging for a peaceful slumber.

This post is sponsored and is brought to you by Good Morning Snore Solution. All opinions are my own.

Best Way to Stop Snoring so Everyone Sleeps Better

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Best Way to Stop Snoring so Everyone Sleeps Better

Aging does some interesting things to our bodies. I don’t remember Mike snoring when we first got together.

In fact, I was the problem back then with grinding my teeth and talking in my sleep.

Thankfully, Mike is a very sound sleeper and rarely wakes up to noises. However, I notice him wake himself up during heavy snoring.

He doesn’t realize it, but I believe these little sleep interruptions are the main reason he doesn’t wake up fully rested.

Sleep is an extreme challenge for me. I struggle with slowing my thoughts down and allowing myself to relax.

Once I do fall asleep, even the smallest noises wake me up. I swear, if the neighbor down the block coughs, I wake in a panicked jolt.

Needless to say, finding the best way to stop snoring is for both of us. I finally got video proof of how loud Mike snores. I don’t exaggerate.

We got to try the Good Morning Snore Solution mouthpiece to see if it will help Mike’s snoring.

Right away I noticed the soft material. Thankfully, I wasn’t asking Mike to sleep with a piece of hard plastic in his mouth.

The piece is comfortable and takes little getting used to.

I tried it, and it’s a lot comfier than my mouthguard that my dentist made for my teeth grinding problem.

Best Way to Stop Snoring so Everyone Sleeps Better

How Good Morning Snore Solution Works

Good Morning Snore Solution works by stabilizing the tongue and opening airways.

There’s a video on their website to see if the device will help you with your snoring.

To test it, make a snoring sound. Then, stick your tongue out and try to make a snoring sound again.

If you can’t make the sound with your tongue out, chances are excellent that Good Morning Snore Solution will work for you.

Best Way to Stop Snoring so Everyone Sleeps Better

I’m not going to lie; I got some major pushback from Mike when I asked him to sleep with something in his mouth.

Once he finally did, he realized it was worth it. Not only does he not snore, but he wakes up feeling a lot more rested.

Allowing your body the deep sleep it needs for rest and recovery is priceless.

There’s a list of problems that occur due to lack of sleep on their website.

It’s quite frightening since I know how common sleep problems are.

If you or someone you love snores, I suggest giving Good Morning Snore Solution a try.

For us, it’s the best way to stop snoring that we’ve tried.

Who do you know that needs the best way to stop snoring?

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  1. lindsay bozek says:

    Ok, This seems like a dream come true! I need to get one of these for my husband ASAP. I’m glad this worked for you.

  2. This really is a great invention, I have now seen a post about it twice (yours is the second one) I will have to look into it as I know I have kept my boyfriend up snoring sometimes or woken him up – oops! If I am on my back, I snore. Period. I love that there may be help to sleep better!

  3. Mistee Dawn says:

    Oh wow. I definitely need to look into this for my husband! He snores so loud, all night long! LOL. Thanks for the info!

  4. valmg @ Mom Knows It All says:

    That’s an interesting sounding product. My husband snores loudly at certain times. Most of the time a gentle push has been enough to force him to reposition and make it stop.

  5. I need this so much for my husband, oh boy he can get on some snoring nights, and I just can;t sleep. If this could help, I will surely be checking it out.

  6. Looks like an interesting little contraption!

    Though the part where you talked about your husband waking himself up throughout the night made me think of my dad’s sleep apnea. He might want to get checked out for that, it can be very dangerous!

    1. That’s a very good point. It seems like the sound wakes him up, but you are right — something definitely worth bringing up to his doctor.

  7. Elizabeth Resch says:

    I would love my fiance to try this. He not only wakes himself up he also wakes me up throughout the night.

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