DIY Christmas Gift – Succulent Terrarium

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I am a huge fan of Pinterest, but instead of just pinning things, I try to make the things I see! I had seen some small succulent terrariums on Pinterest, and decided that might just be something I could handle. Thanks to The Succulent Source, I was outfitted with a variety of succulents for some DIY Christmas gifts.

DIY Christmas Gift – Succulent Terrarium

I write about my DIY home renovation and projects on my blog, but rarely do I venture into making things for my friends and family. This Christmas I decided I would try to make something small for some of the people on my list. Of course, I needed to find something that would pique the interest of multiple people on my list. These succulent terrariums are easy to care for and easy to make. To make mine I used mason jars that I already had sitting around the house, cactus potting soil and a mix of small rocks. Most of the items to make these could be found at a dollar store if you do not already have them. I also plan to attach a small tag with care instructions for the plants.

DIY Christmas Gift - Succulent Terrarium

At The Succulent Source, you can find a beautiful variety of plants. Not having much experience with the plants, I was amazed at the variety of these cute little plants. Their versatility makes them even better because they do not require too much care. Mixing just a couple of the plants (I tried to do a short one with some color along with a taller one) in a small glass container provides color and texture. I even saw on The Succulent Source (and their new site, you can buy succulents for your wedding. You can use them in floral arrangements or as a wedding favor. What a unique way to bring something living into the décor at your wedding! They even have cute buckets you can purchase along with the plants for an even easier wedding favor.

DIY Christmas Gift - Succulent Terrarium

You can find succulents, cacti, and more at The Succulent Source website, and they have an etsy store (which had a ton of options for shapes, sizes, quantities, and more).

What’s your favorite DIY Christmas gift to give or receive?

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  1. Julie Wood says:

    I would like this as a present. I think the Christmas terrarium is really neat and you did a great job in making these. They do not look that hard to make.

  2. Amanda @ Mommy of Two Little Monkeys says:

    This would make a great gift! I’ve always been afraid to make one, they looked hard but you make it look so easy.

  3. Aimee Smith says:

    How cool! I love these, what a perfect but easy gift!

  4. I love working with succulents in my yard. They are so easy to care for and really pretty.

  5. Oh, wow! This is really cool. I think my son’s teacher would like it.

  6. I absolutely love this idea. I would be thrilled if someone gave me this as a gift. It would be so nice to have on my desk.

  7. That is such a completely different gift idea. I would love one of these for myself!

  8. My mom loves plants so I would love to make something like this for a gift.

  9. Those are so cute! They would be a really nice gift!!

  10. Melanie a/k/a CrazyMom says:

    Ohh I love these.. I’ve been wanting to make one for the house for months now and kept forgetting; thanks for a great post; will Pin it and hope I won’t forget again… would make wonderful gifts…

  11. i love succulents lately. we do terrariums here, but we add LEGO guys in LOL

  12. Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says:

    I’m usually about the baked goods or crafts with my DIY, but I really like this twist of an idea. Awesome!

  13. Shell Feis says:

    My mom would LOVE to get that as a gift!

  14. What a great idea. Not only as gifts but also for home decorating. Thanks!

  15. That is so cool. We had some beautiful succulents and they were left out in the sudden frost. Bye Bye plants.

  16. I really like this idea! I think my daughter would enjoy doing this with me

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