Dog Flea and Tick Control – What to Ask Your Vet

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Dog Flea and Tick Control - What to Ask Your Vet #12Bravecto

Dog flea and tick control is crazy important. We all know that by now, but let’s talk about what to ask your vet. First of all, know that your vet is not trying to push something unnecessary on you for the sake of a sale. Flea and tick prevention is legitimately necessary. I sound like a broken record, but I hear about issues all the time. The tick problem around here is real, and people who brush off the need for a preventative end up paying the price. Plus, we have a former vet tech in the family. Hearing his stories will scare anyone straight.

Chewable Flea and Tick 12 Week Protection is Here #12Bravecto

Dog Flea and Tick Control – What to Ask Your Vet #12Bravecto

What’s new in flea and tick control? Always ask your vet what is new in flea and tick prevention. Some products have been around for 10-20 or more years, and you might not know the benefits of some of the newer options. For example, there are now oral products that kill both fleas and ticks, and one product, Bravecto® (fluralaner) that lasts for up to 12 weeks* with just one tasty chew. Reducing the amount of things you have to give your pet is beneficial to the owner and the animal. *BRAVECTO® kills fleas, prevents flea infestations, and kills ticks (black-legged tick, American dog tick, and brown dog tick) for 12 weeks. BRAVECTO® also kills lone start ticks for 8 weeks. Go to for full prescribing information.

The Grump is read for all the walks

Which product is best for my dog and my lifestyle? Each pet is different, as is each owner. We all have different lifestyles and different doggy temperaments. Some products are easier to administer, dosed at different frequencies, have different types of side effects, and different expectations for efficacy. Ask your veterinarian to explain the differences, and to discuss the best option for you and your pet.

Should I use a prescription product or just get something over-the-counter? Your vet can explain your options to you to help you make an informed decision. For instance, prescription products have more in-depth safety and efficacy study requirements for approval.

What should I expect from my flea and tick control? Are you currently using a product and still see fleas here and there? Or maybe, you don’t see anything, so you assume your product rocks. But, is there another option that could do even more? All questions to ask your vet.

Franklin wants to be protected from nasty fleas and ticks

Don’t be afraid to make a list of questions before heading to your vet. Just like a human doctor appointment, we have every right as patients to inquire about options. Hopefully, you have a fantastic vet like mine who doesn’t give even a hint of annoyance to extra questions. She never makes me feel rushed and is always eager to answer my questions in depth.

Stay social with BRAVECTO on Facebook, Twitter, and their mobile app.

Be sure to ask if BRAVECTO is right for you for dog flea and tick control.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information published. However, it remains the responsibility of the readers to familiarize themselves with the product information contained on the USA product label or package. More product information is available here.

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  1. This is great to know. Poor dogs do get fleas and ticks so easily sometimes, of course depending up on where you live. I will have to look into this!

  2. These are all important questions that I’ve asked our vet. She is wonderful and our animals love her. Fleas and ticks are so bad where we live. We always make sure our animals are treated, so that they don’t get any fleas or ticks.

  3. Ellen LaFleche-Christian says:

    I just hate ticks. They were absolutely horrible this year!

  4. We live in the south where it is always warm and have to be really careful about fleas and ticks. Definitely a good thing to talk to your vet about.

  5. Audrey McClelland says:

    Bravecto sounds great. Our neighbor uses it, and she loves it. The whole 3 months thing is pretty great. It must be nice not to have to remember a medication every single month.

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