How to Enjoy Your Own Party as the Host

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It’s hard to enjoy your own party when there’s so much to do and plan. Although I have hosted very few large parties at my own house, I have witnessed my Grandmother throw them my whole life. My Grandparents’ house was always the location for family parties. Since they raised me, I was around for the the entire process. I don’t think I could ever replicate my Grandmother’s mad skills when it comes to keeping it together while planning. I am way too much of a nutball for that. However, I think the following tips are a place to start.

Hot to enjoy your own party when hosting

How to Enjoy Your Own Party as the Host

  • Ask For Help:  Don’t be afraid to ask family or friends for help. Hosting a party is a huge job. If everyone brings something, or has a task during the party, it can really help out.
  • Plan Ahead:  Obviously, a lot of planning goes into this. But, the more you can take care of ahead of time, the better. Make desserts, certain appetizers, or even some side dishes the day before. The less you have to do the day-of, the better.

stock bathroom

  • Stock Bathrooms:  Make sure your bathroom(s) are stocked with plenty of rolls of toilet paper. Arranging them nicely and out in the open is key. That way guests can just grab them as needed and you won’t be running around restocking during the gathering. Use Cottonelle Triple Roll so that the rolls last longer. I made sure to stock up at Target so we are set for the whole season.

Cottonelle triple roll target

*** Promotional Offer (while supplies last): Buy a Cottonelle Triple Roll 12 pack or larger and get a FREE box of Kleenex! Click here to get the coupon to use at Target.

cottonelleHaving flushable cleansing cloths on hand is a good option, too.

  • Keep it Simple:  I know it can be tempting to wow your guests with some extravagant spread that knocks their socks off, but know your limits. Of course, some people can do this with ease (that’s why Pinterest exists), but personally… I am better off keeping it simple. I have always regretted taking on anything too complicated.
  • Premade Food:  There’s no shame in serving premade food. Especially when it comes to appetizers or desserts. If you are planning a big main course, take the pressure off with some easy, ready-to-eat fillers.
  • Use Disposable:  Yeah, yeah, this is not the greenest option, but who the heck wants to spend the whole party washing dishes? Use disposable dinnerware and cups.
  • Focus on Company:  Keep in mind what is important – your guests. No one will care if you burned the rolls, or forgot to fold the napkins into swans. Try to take some time to relax and truly enjoy the company of your guests. You know, like, your Grandma giving her bird a bath on her shoulder.

Bird Bath

Do you have any tips on how to enjoy your own party?

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  1. Dawn Lopez says:

    I looove these tips! I am def. one of those people who misses my own parties because I am busy trying to perfect everything (that and not planning the food timing well). Thanks for this! Def. need to work on simplifying!

  2. Brittany C. says:

    This sounds terrible, but I actually don’t plan too many parties because I get so stressed out thinking about it!

  3. I love Cottonelle triple rolls – even if we aren’t having a party. They last so much longer than the others. It’s nice not to have to change the roll every day. Thanks for the party tips. I’m usually feel too stressed about kids making messes to enjoy myself – even if it’s not my party.

  4. Julie Wood says:

    It is so hard to have a party if I have to do all the cooking, and I am always worried that someone will not like the food. But, when I have my Christmas party, I have everyone help by bringing something! It really does help me, and I only make dishes that I know will turn out!

  5. Great tips and I recently went to a party that they had the toilet paper rolls wrapped in Christmas tissue paper. Very creative!

  6. Great tips… I always dice and set things up ahead… all on plates with plastic wrap in the fridge, so when people arrive, I just grab and put out… that way I am not stuck in the kitchen

  7. these are some great tips, it is always great when you have a party and some bring some homemade dishes.

  8. Ellen Christian says:

    My big tip would be not to stress over the little stuff.

  9. I am totally with you on planning ahead and asking for help. Great tips!

  10. Kelsey Apley says:

    Hahhahah first off that giving a bird a bath on her shoulder is darling!!!! Thanks for the great tips, I am always up for things to be easy!!

  11. Todd Lovessweeps says:

    Great tips here – I always get so stressed out that I forget to enjoy my own party – thanks.

  12. Great tips. I don’t host parties much but when I have had to he a host, I feel like I’m running around doing things last minute. I’m so bad at preparing ahead of time!

  13. Thanks for sharing these tips!

  14. Nancy Lustri (StyleDecor) says:

    Hee-hee…Love the bird bath! Great tips! I always try to have as much done before the party. My husband can’t understand why I am always in a panic before a party. I don’t think a good hostess runs around like a chicken without a head. It’s sooo important to “appear” relaxed. 🙂

  15. Tammilee Tillison says:

    Love the tips. The parrot is hilarious!
    I hate the feeling of stressing out while trying to host an event.

  16. These tips are handy for upcoming parties that we have!

  17. These are great tips. It is easy to let the stress of hosting take away from enjoying the party!

  18. Debi@TheSpringMount6Pack says:

    Great tips. Being the host can be so stressful.

  19. Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks) says:

    It’s always nice to get some enjoyment out of the parties you throw! Great reminder!

  20. Melissa Au says:

    Great tips. I actually really enjoy hosting my own party.

  21. Liza @ Views From the 'Ville says:

    I appreciate the tips! I love to be the hostess, but sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in trying to make sure your guests have the perfect time and then you miss out on the party.

  22. hire help. not much else to say. LOL

  23. Great tips and I laughed out loud at the bird on your Grandma’s shoulder! I worked with a lady that use to wear her bird on her shoulder everywhere!

  24. Mistee Dawn says:

    I don’t know if I have any tips. I always try to make things ahead of time or the night before. That usually saves me a lot of time the day of the party.

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