Being Prepared for all of the Life Adventures

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Life is full of adventures and we should all have the attitude to seize them when they present themselves. But, life has a personality all its own and occasionally its sense of humor is pretty wicked.

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Adventures of Life

My life’s persona is a lot like that of Lucy from the Peanuts Gang. In which case, I am totally Charlie Brown. Life loves pulling that football right out from under me while laughing as I land on my bum. I have learned to laugh just as hard at all these plans gone belly-up, but being prepared is key.

Step 1: Accept that life is going to knock you down. Accidents happen. Life happens. Almost always this is how life teaches you a valuable lesson. However, it’s probably going to hurt. But getting up and trying again is the only way to learn and achieve greatness.

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Step 2: Be prepared for the aftermath of these lessons. If you’re stubborn like me, you’re going to have to learn everything the hard way–which can be really expensive.

Broken arms, sprained joints, bumps, bruises, migraines… my active family and I have been through it all. We’ve also traveled, seen half the country, explored nature, climbed anything that could be climbed, jumped off stuff, and learned together through every step, stumble, and fall. No regrets. Discover everything!

Get to Know Your Insurance – FULL ADULT status achieved

Play like a kid. But prepare like a full blown adult ahead of time.

Always be ready for the adventures life has to offer #DiscoverYourBenefits #ad

Going along with Step 2 above about being prepared, we all need to get to know our insurance plans. These policies can be really confusing but  you should never be afraid to ask for help. Most of the time, any questions can be answered over the phone.

After exploring our plan, I realized I would do well to have a supplemental accident plan to cover what my policy doesn’t. That way, I’m not leaving myself vulnerable to surprise extra financial stressors. This momma has school loans and extra curricular activities to pay for.

Always be ready for the adventures life has to offer #DiscoverYourBenefits #ad

Knowing I have extra protection frees my mind even more to be more adventurous and fun. Accident insurance helps provide everyday financial protection in the event of a covered accident. Benefits are paid for things like x-rays, physical therapy, appliances, emergency treatment and more. Everyone, especially parents with active, athletic, accident prone children as well as active adults should consider having accident insurance.

So the next time the football is yanked right out from in front of your perfect poised foot, laugh it off and carry on. 🙂

If your life had a personality, who would it be?

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I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  1. Tammy Woodall says:

    Your right, I think its always best to be prepared.

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    It is good to be prepared. You never know when something might happen!

  3. I love you pictures! That first tree I would totally climb! It is always good to be prepared too we all have those times of UH-OH and Afliac helps with those unplanned uh-ohs! 🙂

  4. I’ve certainly learned to live life with no regrets. I knew from the time I was in college that I’d do what I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted, and with who I wanted. But that doesn’t mean mistakes or uo-oh moments haven’t been made, so it’s definitely good to plan ahead and be prepared for those exact moments.

  5. Amy Desrosiers says:

    My husband has Aflec which does help provide a piece of mind. I love that they offer so many services!

  6. Great pictures. It’s good to be prepared. We don’t have Aflac here in Canada, but we always see the commericals and they get us talking!

  7. Felissa (Two Little Cavaliers) says:

    Knowing that you are protected in case of accident or injury is so important. It must give you a little piece of mind to know that in case of emergency you have a plan B in place to cover the bills until you can get back to work.

    PS. Watching kids climb trees freaks me out I am always so nervous that they are going to hurt themselves. I guess you just get used to it after a while and teach your kids not to climb without you there. Still scary stuff!

  8. That’s a great question…not sure who my personality is but I will keep thinking on that one. We’ve already had a few accidents and know many more are coming from our toddler twins!

  9. Brett Martin says:

    I think we need to be ready for whatever life throws at us. I think getting Aflac insurance is a great idea.

  10. Seattle Travel Blogger says:

    Definitely sounds like Lucy from Peanuts is your life persona. I think mine would be Lisa from the Simpsons 🙂

  11. It’s always best to be prepared. Everyone should have insurance. My personality would be whoever leads a hectic life.

  12. Amber Edwards says:

    Oh you crack me up. Get to know your insurance- full adult status achieved. It’s so true! I never thought much about insurance until we became adults. Now I’m so grateful for it because we rely on it all the time! It’s not a matter of IF you will need it but WHEN! Because like you said, life happens and it will knock you down and you will be so ever grateful to know you have great insurance to help you through those times.

  13. This is so true. You have to be prepared and get to know your insurance policy. That’s part of being a responsible adult!

  14. Sabrina @ Dinner, then Dessert says:

    Life is an adventure! You just have to enjoy the ride!

  15. Accidents do happen no matter how careful you are. It’s always best to be prepared.

  16. These are great photos. My Son was a little dare devil when he was younger. I had to make sure we were fully covered. It is so important to be prepared the best you can.

  17. gingermommyrants says:

    Insurance is so important. You have to get a good understanding of what is covered. I am looking for a new company to go with.

  18. It is so important to be prepared for anything….and might I add that those pictures are simply stunning. My daughter would love to climb those trees.

  19. It is important to be covered as much as possible. Insurance is crucial for everyone right now!

  20. Lisa Puckett @luvmykids72 says:

    Great post, love the pictures! It’s always best to be prepared and we should all have the insurance we need just in case, you just never know.

  21. We should all be Boy Scouts and have the motto: Be Prepared.

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