Minecraft Gift Ideas for the Whole Family
No matter the time of year, it’s always good to have a few Minecraft gift ideas on hand. We love Minecraft. There are so many reasons this game is great for families, kids, and really just everyone.
This is a sponsored post. The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

Minecraft Gift Ideas at Best Buy
Best Buy carries a large assortment of Minecraft products, including the Xbox One S console bundle, Minecraft games, and toys and collectibles. Simply click the images to check them out.

Minecraft is a game that has the power to close the gap between adults and kids. I’m a relatively young mom, and even I was feeling like I couldn’t relate to my tween and teen kids and their games. But when we all started playing Minecraft together, a whole new bond formed. I am just as addicted to exploring, mining, building, and creating as they are.

We each have our favorite roles in the game. Chesney is the farmer and spends the majority of her time building and maintaining the garden and livestock. I love mining and cannot stand the excitement when I find a diamond or emerald. And Adam is the builder/protector. He’s always designing an epic fortress the whole family can live in, safe from Creepers and all that lurk in the dark.
Together we get lost in the whole world of Minecraft and play for hours. It’s family time we all genuinely look forward to, and I am so grateful to have something “cool” we share.

We can also play in Creative Mode with unlimited resources. Usually, we stick to survival mode because we like the challenge. But whatever your preference, there is much that can be learned from playing Minecraft.
Educational Benefits
It’s based on a lot of science logic, and the kids have surprised me a lot with all that they’ve learned. Ches once said to me, “Oh Mom, save me that skeleton bone! I can make bone meal, and that’s great for the garden soil!” I was like, um, okay, yeah that’s actually true in real life too!
They also know a lot about different minerals and their properties because of playing the game. When they take earth science in school, they’re going to be way ahead with some of this knowledge!

I also love the creative flow the game inspires. I am constantly in awe with some of the architectural masterpieces my kids come up with. They could seriously be architects or designers in the future.
So when trying to come up with Minecraft gift ideas, just head to Best Buy and explore their great Minecraft products selection.
Who do you know that would love some of these Minecraft gift ideas?
My nephew is totally into Minecraft and I have no clue what it is or what it is about. This post reminded me that he loves it and what a great present. Those little characters are so cute! he will love it.