Ways to Save on Time and Healthcare Costs for the Adult Student

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I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. It is my pleasure to bring you tips on how to save on time and healthcare costs by utilizing a Walgreens Healthcare clinic near you. We love our Healthcare Clinic Chicago!

Save on Time and Healthcare Costs

When it comes to healthcare, I admit, I have not invested the time into figuring it all out. I just know that sniffles, bumps, and scratchy throats always seem to arrive when I am at maximum freak-show capacity.

Busy Mom #Healthcareclinic #CollectiveBias

While juggling a billion things, I would really like to ignore the fact that it appears my offspring might be getting pink eye. Seriously? No one has time for that.

Or, just when I think my day is going to be productive—the first one in weeks despite my best planning—the school nurse calls. “Is this Adam’s mom?” Yeah, that’s me… which leads to a day spent getting x-rays.

So, as a single mom working and going to school full time, life is a circus. Managing schedules, assignments, jobs, finances, and listless other responsibilities, I am constantly searching for shortcuts.

Moms wear many hats

When an unplanned ailment strikes a doctor’s appointment is not always necessary—or feasible. So, the best shortcut to save on time and healthcare costs is to take full advantage of your local Walgreens #HealthcareClinic. #CollectiveBias

By utilizing this wonderful and convenient service, I save a ton of time and money. Need flu shots but don’t want to wait weeks to see your family doctor and then spend hours in the waiting room? Simply swing by your Walgreens Healthcare Clinic.

I was shocked to see how many services they offer. Adam needed a sports physical on file for football and we were in and out in under half an hour! Plus, they accept our insurance! (And, if they didn’t, they have a “menu” of reasonable prices for services offered…no surprises!)

Save on time and Healthcare costs at Walgreens #HealthcareClinic #CollectiveBias

With a pharmacy right there, if a prescription is needed, it literally couldn’t get any better to save on time and money.

Other ways to Save

Stay healthy! An ounce of prevention is equal to a pound of cure…

I find that preparing and portioning out all my meals for the week helps me stay on track and save a ton of time. Pair that with keeping up to date on all our shots, and we have never been healthier!

Not only do I avoid buying pricey foods on the go, I can focus on all my homework and assignments on my breaks between classes. Typically these breaks were spent finding something to eat, but now I can utilize that time way more efficiently!

Eat right and stay healthy

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  1. Kelsey Apley says:

    Looks like you are one busy momma!!!! We are trying to eat a lot healthier this year, and so far so good!!

  2. Mama to 5 Blessings says:

    LOLI am with you, moms are indispensable! I wear many many hats too! Keep up the good work mama!

  3. You are WAAAY more organized than me. Meals are “whatever is in the fridge”. No way I could portion them out ahead of time.

  4. Oh yes, we wear many hats and it definitely helps to save time (AND money) esp on healthcare!

  5. Ellen Christian says:

    Some days I think I wear way too many hats!

  6. Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says:

    Haha, I love this. We Moms wear a lot of hats. 🙂 You definitely are more organized than you give yourself credit for.

  7. Katy Rawson says:

    Oh the may hats of a mom, right? I have just recently heard about Walgreen’s clinics and I think it is such an awesome idea. I need to check out the locator and see if there is one near us.

  8. Amber Edwards says:

    I’m right there with you! Goodness, so much to do, so many hats to wear! Having a healthcare clinic in our walgreens would sure be helpful. I don’t know why our Walgreens doesn’t have one yet. They need to get on that and fix that. lol.

  9. Great reminders about ways o stay healthy! I’m checking into a clinic near me now!

  10. Kelly Hutchinson says:

    Your post made me laugh out loud! Probably because it hits home so much! Great job!

  11. Wow you are so very busy!

  12. Jennifer @TheRebelChick says:

    I love the Walgreens healthcare clinics! We have one right down the street from us and it’s so easy!

  13. I share so many of your hats! Especially the “tired” one!

  14. CrazyMom a/k/a Melanie says:

    This was such a fun post…thanks for a laugh… I love Walgreens healthcare clinics they are perfect for people like us Moms….

  15. Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says:

    I can’t wait until they bring one to my area. Not that I’m planning on being sick, but I’m going to use it all the time!

  16. I look forward to our store having a clinic soon! Such a big time saver

  17. Heather @ It's a Lovely Life! says:

    I can totally relate to this! I think we moms all wear tons of different hats!

  18. I can totally relate! I have not taken the time to dive into our medical plan. I try to do everything I can to stay healthy

  19. Yes, there needs to be more hours in the day but you sound like you have things very well planned out. Time management is vital to be successful and taking preventative measures can make huge impacts on our health.

  20. Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says:

    I love that the Healthcare Clinic accepts insurance so you still get the cost savings benefit but also know your wait time before arriving and it’s on your schedule! #client

  21. Maryann D. says:

    All great advice for all of us either single or married working mothers. We do have to try to stay healthy as much as we can.

  22. Easy-access and prevention! Those two seem to be the best steps to take for keeping on schedule and keeping healthy! I would definitely use Wal-Greens clinic for vaccinations and flu shots, as well as other things like minor illness and physicals. No need to schedule for a doctor’s visit, which usually means you have to wait unless it’s an emergency. When you wear so many hats, it’s helpful to be aware of where to prioritize your time! Staying healthy is always a plus!

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