Taking the Biz Challenge with a Grape Juice Stain

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This post brought to you by Biz Stain & Odor Eliminator. All opinions are 100% mine.

We took the Biz Challenge to see if it could remove a grape juice stain. This was my first time using Biz, and I was excited to see how well it would work as a stain fighter.

Taking the Biz Challenge with a Grape Juice Stain

Biz Challenge with a Grape Juice Stain

Since no one had actually spilled anything recently (which is rare), I purposely poured grape juice on one of Mike’s work shirts. His work clothes always come home with stains. Some of them are caked with cement-like substances that I don’t even try to get out.

I allowed the grape juice to dry and thoroughly soak into the fabric for a true test. I then applied Biz to both the grape juice stain and the old work stain. Following the instructions, I let it soak for about 15 minutes. I had zero expectations for the old work stain. Like I said, the chemicals Mike works with are usually impossible to remove, and the stain was probably years old.

After allowing the Biz to sit on the stains, I threw them in the laundry. I added my normal detergent and some Biz as directed. You can add Biz to all of your loads for added stain-lifting.

Biz Challenge removed the grape juice stain

The end result was quite amazing. There’s zero evidence of the grape juice. I also think the old work stain was lightened a little bit. I was happy that the old stain was there, otherwise I would have completely forgotten where the grape juice stain had even been!

Biz contains more stain fighting ingredients and the results are clear to me after completing the #BizChallenge. Biz is fully formulated to fight all four types of stains: Protein-based, Ink/dye-based, granular-based, and just clothes in need of brightening and whitening.

Biz new logo

Biz has a new logo and color scheme. It’s bright and eye-catching, so it should be easy for you to spot on the shelf!

Try it yourself and see where to buy Biz. Also, save $1 on Biz. Make sure to follow them on Facebook and share your results!

Have you ever tried Biz? What’s the toughest stain you have had to remove?

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  1. Grape juice is the worst!!! I am amazed that this got the stain out, that is impressive. I will have to check this out.

  2. argh. the work stains my husband comes home with…. ay dios mio. i need to try biz!

  3. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    Wow, that’s remarkable! I have to admit that lately I’ve been throwing out clothes that become stained … I’d be saving a lot of money if I tried this product!!!

  4. Ellen Christian says:

    I’ve never tried Biz before. I have lots of stains from my son’s sports games I need to remove.

  5. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    this sounds great, definitely a must when you have kids – they are so messy!

  6. Katy Rawson says:

    Awesome, we often have juice and coffee spills that I stuggle to get out of clothes. I’ll have to pick up Biz on my next shopping trip and see how it works for us.

  7. Dawn Lopez says:

    Wow, now that is a serious product! Grape juice? And I thought that was nearly impossible! I need to get me a bottle of this asap!

  8. Biz did a great job on that shirt! I will have to try this out for my family’s clothes. You wouldn’t believe all of the things they get on their clothes, lol.

  9. Amber Edwards says:

    Dang! Look at that grape stain! IT’s gone! Wahoo!! We have a few food stains on my daughter’s clothes I would love to see disappear.

  10. Sarah @ Must Have Mom says:

    Oh I love that this will get grape juice out! My 2 year old always spills grape juice on his shirt. We call it stain juice lol

  11. Pasta sauce is one of the worst and now with a 1 month old I would say poop explosions.

  12. Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says:

    I’ve never tried this, it’s sad to say that sometimes I will throw something out since I can’t get a stain out. I need to try this!

  13. i’ve never heard of this, but my 9mo makes a mess out of everything when she eats and she doesn’t like bibs. banana is awful to get out of clothes. i’ll have to look for this at the store.

  14. Grape juice is such a stubborn stain. I’m impressed by the results.

  15. Melanie a/k/a CrazyMom says:

    WOW I can’t wait to try this.. My kids always make a mess and have stains.. Thanks for sharing, LOVED your results… soo impressed

  16. Keikilani says:

    That is awesome. I hate stains! These are pretty impressive results.

  17. I have not ever tried Biz but we definitely have tons of stains around here. My kids are magnets for dirt, mud, blood, you name it! That’s great this detergent can work on bad stains like grape juice.

  18. I haven’t heard of Biz before! Looks like it’s pretty powerful!

  19. Amy Lynn Desrosiers says:

    I have heard of Biz before but had no idea that it was that effective!!

  20. Havent triied this beffore. Looks great on stains!

  21. Grape juice is no joke! I’m so impressed with how well Biz removed that.

  22. Catherine L. says:

    I’ve never heard of Biz before, but it sounds awesome. I bet it would work wonders on my husbands work clothes.

  23. I can’t believe it got the grape juice stain out. That is pretty amazing. I bet if you had had Biz to use when your hubby got the work stain, it may have gotten that out, too.

  24. Melissa Au says:

    I have never tried it, but I love that it took out the grape juice stain.

  25. Never tried Biz, but it’s great that it effectively removed the grape juice stain…those like many other fruit stains, are really hard to get out! I like that it seems like Biz isn’t extremely harsh.

  26. That is great to know that it got out the grape juice stain. I hate dealing with stains!

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