Small Things to do to Live a Greener Lifestyle

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Tetra Pak for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

There are small steps you can take to live a greener lifestyle. Little habits each day add up quickly. This spring, we are making a big effort to make small changes.

Mike and I both pledge to become more efficient – not only for our well being but also for the planet’s.

Small Things to do to Live a Greener Lifestyle

Small things you can do to live a greener lifestyle

Organize. I am not a naturally organized person. It’s an ongoing challenge, but each time we reorganize, the benefits smack me in the face a little harder.

When items have a place, it’s easier to take inventory and see what you have. When you know what you have, you don’t buy more than you need.

Somehow my mental shopping list has had “toothpicks” on it for the last three trips. What a weird, random item, but at least it’s not perishable. It is, however, a waste of money.

If I would have put the toothpicks I bought in the same place each time; perhaps my brain would register that it can scratch them off the list.

Getting organized and decluttering help eliminate the waste of time, money, and in many case for the food itself.

Small Things to do to Live a Greener Lifestyle

Repurpose. Thanks to creative people across the interwebs, there are ideas to upcycle so many items these days. In fact, my package from Tetra Pak was packed with cleaned and shredded boxes.

I love this idea for packing material so much that I plan to ship my next item using it. I would never have thought of the idea myself, so hopefully, the person who receives my package will feel the same. Repurpose it forward type of thing!

There are many ways to upcycle or repurpose most containers. Head to Pinterest, or get creative to cut down on garbage and make something fabulous. 

Packaging. I know I am guilty of grabbing a product for what’s in the package without considering the package itself. Tetra Pak cartons are the better choice for so many reasons.

Tetra Pak cartons for people.

Small Things to do to Live a Greener Lifestyle

Tetra Pak cartons are condensed packaging designed to protect the inner contents without any extra “fluff.” There’s no reason to have excess packaging on a product.

The size makes the products easier to store and perfect for on-the-go. Since no refrigeration is required until opened, grab a Tetra Pak carton for any time you need a drink or snack. 

From boxed waters and broths to pet food and coffee, Tetra Pak cartons contain a variety of products we can all use daily. 

Tetra Pak cartons for Earth

Small Things to do to Live a Greener Lifestyle

Forget plastic when Tetra Pak cartons are a great alternative without jeopardizing quality, durability, or convenience. Cartons are made from renewable materials from sourcing that strives for sustainability They help protect natural resources and reduce climate impact.

100% of the paperboard in the cartons is Forest Stewardship Council Chain of Custody certified; meaning all of it can be traced back to responsibly managed forests. Once the cartons are recycled, they can be turned into tissue, paper products, and green building materials.

These cartons protect more than just our food; they protect our environment, our food sources, and our natural resources. Food packaging went from a blip on my radar to now something I will seek out.

I want to stock my organized cabinets with Tetra Pak cartons for our personal convenience and for the good of the planet.

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  1. I need to do better! I love the repurpose it forward idea! I’ve been trying to buy more products packaged in cartons when I can find them. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for Tetra Pak cartons.

  2. LauraOinAK says:

    I far prefer the Tetra Pak cartons when I can find them.

  3. Leigh Anne Borders says:

    You presented some great ways that we can live greener lives. I need to start thinking more about this. I often fall victim to doing what is easy or what I am used to. It will take a conscientious effort on my part to really live out a greener life. While it may be work, it is something that we really need to do. Love the ideas and I will certainly put some into practice.

  4. Cyn Gagen says:

    I love these tips. I’ve been using Tetra Pak cartons for years and have always preferred them over plastic for multiple reasons, but the environment is definitely the biggest one.

  5. Dawn Lopez says:

    Ooh! I need to find that Bulletproof Cold Brew ASAP!

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