10 Tips to Help Survive Allergy Season
Allergy season is here and many of us are already struggling. Thanks to my partnership with Angel Soft, I have some survival tips to share with you. This is a sponsored post and it contains affiliate links, but all opinions are my own.

I have seasonal allergies and I am also allergic to my dogs. As I type this I have itchy eyes, nasal congestion, and a foggy head.
Angel Soft® sent me a wonderful care package to help ease my suffering. The Angel Soft® toilet paper that we all know and love now comes in a facial tissue. The quality and value of the product makes it ideal for everyday use. They even offer multiple carton designs to match your home decor.

10 Tips to Help Survive Allergy Season #SneezingTime

Keep the windows closed.
This is difficult to do after the longest winter ever. We definitely like to get some fresh air into the house and air it out, however, that also lets all the nasty outdoor allergens in. I usually feel awful and end up putting the A/C on if we are warm.
Use essential oils.
Peppermint and eucalyptus are my favorite essential oils for allergies. Dab a tiny bit on your wrists, or use a diffuser for your home to diffuse the oils.
Drink herbal teas.
Once again, peppermint is a great choice when it comes to tea. Let the steam soothe your sinuses and the tea warm your body.
Clean more often.
The fewer allergens loose in your house, the better. If you can get an air purifier, that can be helpful, too.
Use a cold compress.
If your head feels clogged and sinuses stuffed, try to place a cold compress or rag on your head. Personally, I feel like I have a fever all the time. I don’t run a temperature, but I just have that sick feverish feeling. The cold can really help this.
Buy local honey.
I have recently been told that purchasing honey from your own state can help boost immunities to your local pollen allergens. It must be locally farmed near you.
Change your filters.
Make sure to change your furnace filters and any filters that your vacuum might have. Having dirty, allergen-filled filters can be counter-productive while you clean.
Apply Breath Right Strips.
These strips are for more than snoring. Open your nose to relieve relieve nasal congestion and to help you breathe and sleep better.
Blow your nose properly.
If your child has trouble learning how to really blow their nose, play a fun game. This is really funny, but it can be hard to learn!
Stock up on Angel Soft® Facial Tissue.
Angel Soft® Facial Tissue comes in both lotion and non-lotion options. The lotion tissue is made with three layers and the non-lotion is made with two. Each option provides the softness and strength that your stuffy nose needs.

Be sure to grab some Angel Soft Facial Tissue and see for yourself. Visit their website for more helpful tips and cute videos.
Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Do you have any tips to share?
I have bad allergies and want to try essential oils soon. I hear so many great things. I have also recruited the teen to start helping me dust more often without me being exposed to the dust as much. We alternate whose turn it is. Great tips.
My allergies have been terrible this season. I try a lot of things to ease the suffering but the local honey and essential oils are new to me. I will try anything at this point!
We have a local honey farm around which not only has the best honey ever but people swear it helps with their allergies. My oldest suffers horribly during barley harvest season so I look forward to giving these tips a try come August. Thanks!
I survive allergies by partially suffering. Some days I’m in such a cloud that it is not even funny.
I get such horrible sinus headaches they feel much like migraines. My “friend” Tom Skilling who I think is now the master at announcing Vortex’s, made the announcement that this summer will be the Vortex summer for Allergy sufferers. Yay. 🙁 I need to stock up on Angel Soft!
I didn’t know about buying local honey and will definitely be getting some for my tea. Great info!
I didnt even know that Angel Soft made tissues, but I do buy their toilet paper so I will have to pick some up. My sons and husband have horrible allergies WHILE on meds! Lots of sneezing and tissues in our house.
I dont personally have seasonal allergies. But these tips are useful. I’ll share with friends I know who has seasonal allergies.