Trigger a Creative Mood with Super Bright LEDs
Sometimes the creative juices seem to be frozen solid or perhaps even dried up completely. When you have piles of assignments demanding a variety of creative brilliance, releasing productive brainwaves can be almost impossible.
After all, the pressure is on—I have to compete with all those other fantastic #CollectiveBias members! LED power to the rescue!

Trigger a Creative Mood
I have found that I am super sensitive to lighting. After having Lasik eye surgery several years ago, bright lights are very distracting and too much exposure gives me a horrendous migraine.
I respond best to indirect light and warm hues. I had recently switched all the bulbs in my house to more energy efficient coil bulbs. The result was a stark, institution-like effect and I didn’t realize how much it was affecting my mood until I switched to these new GE LED Energy Smart light bulbs.
I loved knowing I was saving money and energy, but these coil bulbs aren’t even dimmable. So I was stuck in this overwhelming bright glare all the time.

I played around a bit and switched these bulbs back and forth to see the difference and the first thing I noticed was how hot the coils got after being on for only a minute or so. The GE Energy Smart LED bulbs were barely warm in the same amount of time.
Did you know 1 LED Bulb lasts as long as 15 traditional incandescent bulbs? And, yeah, you save with the coil bulbs too, but you can save even more with GE Energy Smart LED bulbs and not sacrifice warm hues or dimmability!
#LEDSavings You get the best of both worlds: Super bright LEDs when you need it, and then dimmed, warm glow when the time is right.

Find them at Walmart
When you find yourself lacking any sort of creative ideas, head on over to Walmart and find your light bulb moment in the lighting aisle.

I would also like to add that I love the look of these bulbs too. Even when the lights are off I think they are friendlier than the coil bulbs.
Maybe I’m just an old fogey now that I’ve entered my 30’s but there’s something nostalgic about that original light bulb shape.

It reminds me of my favorite old cartoon characters scheming and plotting to concoct some sort of hilarity. In fact, when I’m working and a great idea strikes, I picture that light bulb over my head.
Make sure to keep in touch with GE Lighting on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
What triggers your light bulb moments?
its amazing how the warmth of a light will change a mood
I like the look of the new coiled bulbs personally but I love that you can dim the light and give a nice warm glow.
We have a few LED light bulbs around the house. Our goal is to get the entire house transitioned, but we hate to waste the other CFL that we already invested in, so we are slowly switching when they burn out!
I’ll have to see if I can find these. We are always looking for ways to be more energy efficient.
We are moving into a new house and I have already stated that we will be putting these types of lights in EVERY room!
We have all LED around our home. My husband wants to make our hoe and life as healthy as we can and part of our family is also loving the earth. Every step counts!
I love that LEDs are gaining popularity and becoming more affordable. They save money in the long run and are not full of mercury.
I love that as little as the amount of light in a room, can change the feeling of the room. I will have to pick up a pack of these great light bulbs.
I am so glad I came across this today. My office/craft room has very poor lighting. I really need to do something to brighten things up.
I LOVE dimmable bulbs! You can totally set the mood in any room with just the flick of the light! Genius and it saves money!
Unless I’m using natural light through a window I have to be able to dim a light. If it is too bright while I’m working I’ll get a headache but if it is too low while crafting then my eyes are strained. I love the option to change the light up and down as the situation calls.
We have all LED lights in our home. I think they are a lot brighter than our old ones, and we love them!!!
The coil lights can give me some pretty nasty headaches. I need to look into these dimmable LEDs.
I had no idea these LED lights were dimmable! I love dimmable bulbs! And I seriously love saving money!
I did not know that you could save even more with these GE LED bulbs. I will get theses next time!!
I love LED lights! They are so much brighter!
I can’t tell you how much the lighting changes my mood and helps me get more work done. So important… and to answer your question… I get my “light bulb” ideas when I’m driving in the car.
I love LED bulbs because they look great, and can help you save money.
I so need to upgrade to these bulbs, I have heard how wonderful they work and how much longer they last!
We’ve upgraded a few months ago and it makes a world of difference… thanks for sharing they sure last for a long time
I need these! I am overly sensitive to lighting too. I see a Walmart trip in my near future.
Wow, you know what? I can totally relate, we have such terrible lighting in my home and it really does frustrate me! I can’t wait to check out these bulbs! So impressed that they are dimmable too!
Lighting makes a huge difference for me. I need great light in whatever room I am in
Non glaring lighting and quiet triggers my creativity 🙂
I’ve barely gotten used to the coils, and now I gotta switch again. Oh my goodness! Alright, I’ll do it…
The bright lights change my mood too and having the ability to dim the GE Energy Smart bulbs as you wish makes a huge difference. Great comparison photos! #client