Family Fun in the Garden

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This post brought to you by Miracle-Gro. All opinions are 100% mine.

Everyone seems to be so responsibility-ridden these days that making time for family fun can be tough. That’s why we try to make chores a fun family affair. Now that spring has finally arrived, you’ll find us tending the yard and garden.

I promise, I’m not a slave driver… the kids are really having fun! 😉

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Once the yard and garden area are all cleaned up, we can transfer our plants out from the greenhouse. We are so fortunate to have access to Gram’s greenhouse. She has taught us all we know about gardening and by allowing us to use this wonderful space we can keep our plants healthy year round; and even grow things we wouldn’t normally be able to grow in this area… like pineapples!

Family Fun with Pineapples

This pineapple project is really simple, it just takes a long time to see the results. We started by putting the tops of the pineapples we eat in a shallow dish of water for 3 days. We then transferred them to pots filled with dirt. During the warm months we left them outside in a very sunny area, watering frequently as their small pots dried out quickly. We used a diluted Miracle-Gro solution to feed them about once a week. Once the weather started cooling off, we put two of them in the greenhouse. I brought 2 of them home with me because they do take up a lot of space. (They grow very wide.) I put these two by a sunny window and they are doing very well, but not bearing any fruit just yet. We continued the Miracle-Gro feedings throughout the winter months and saw continuous growth.

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This January when I spotted the first signs of a tiny pineapple I was beside myself with pride. You’d think I was celebrating a pregnancy! The kids were also thrilled because they had a hand in taking care of these interesting plants. After learning that pineapples take so long to bear fruit, and that each plant can only produce 2-3 fruits in its lifetime, I feel like they should cost a fortune! So, the next time you see a pineapple in the grocery store, you can appreciate its full value.

Gardening Tips

A few tips that I think are worth sharing:

  1. Involve the kids! It teaches them valuable work ethic and after hours of staring at digital screens, reconnects them with the planet.
  2. Family Fun. Try to get the whole family involved on big projects. Working together and sharing pride in the results is a great way to have some productive bonding time.
  3. Make a barrel of Miracle-Gro solution. If you’re like us and have a ton of plants, we find it cost effective and time saving to make a giant barrel of Miracle-Gro/water solution to have readily available. We find that feeding all the plants, regardless of species, on a regular diluted schedule is not only easier, but more efficient and effective, than measuring out individual dosages.
  4. Make time for plants daily. We find that being around live greenery boosts our mood and helps get through those long winter months–which felt like forever this year! Without our beloved green friends, I don’t think I would’ve made it!
  5. Take advantage of learning moments in the garden. My kids have learned so many valuable lessons just from being with me in the yard or garden. From respect for all life and creatures to how things are connected, we have had infinite learning opportunities while caring for the land.

Have any gardening tips to add? Please share them with us in a comment below! 🙂

Flowers make us smile!

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How do you inspire family fun activities in the midst of chaotic schedules? Do you try to #GroSomethingGreater? If so, tell us! And, share your story at Gro Something Greater.

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  1. Jenn @TheRebelChick says:

    I love growing pineapples but haven’t done one in a while. Your flowers are so pretty, I really want to start a garden this summer!

  2. Dominique says:

    We are moving into our new home within the next couple weeks and I have SO many ideas for our garden! I have two toddlers and can’t wait to show them everything awesome about plants and gardens!

  3. Ellen Christian says:

    That is really neat. You can grow a new pineapple from a top? I need to try this.

  4. Brittany C. @ Mom. Wife. Busy Life. says:

    I love the morning glories!!! I’m a huge gardening fan. We are starting a container garden!

  5. Dawn Lopez says:

    Wow, that is so cool! I am so impressed with your pineapple plant, I would love to try that. Such a great thing to do with the kids, it can teach them so much including patience!

  6. Kelsey Apley says:

    That is so neat with your pineapple plant, that is So so cool! I never knew you could do that. I got some flowers planted but need to finish up and plant garden soon.

  7. I love getting the kids involved in gardening! It’s enjoyable for them and it gets them outdoors.

  8. Amy Desrosiers says:

    Wow, i never knew that pineapples took that long to grow! That is so crazy, but super cool!

  9. I want to grow a Pineapple!

  10. Amber Edwards says:

    WOW, that pineapple looks absolutely amazing! So cool! I want a greenhouse very badly. I’m hoping I will eventually get one with our new house.

  11. I wish i could grow a pineapple! I love pineapples and just ate one today. lol

  12. Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens says:

    Great tips and that laying down on the job photo is too cute! I can remember racking up leaves in the fall and jumping into the pile immediately..hehe

  13. I love getting the kids out therei n the garden with me. That’s one thing I am loving about the warmer weather – the opportunity to be outside working in the flowers!

  14. Sarah @ Must Have Mom says:

    So neat! Those pineapples looks great! Thank you for the awesome tips.

  15. How cool is that. I never thought to try to grow a pineapple

  16. Funny, I just interacted with someone earlier about the value of gardening with kids and how much it means to be able to have them with in as you work in God’s garden. And then here you are with your 2 beautiful kids doing the same thing!! They’re thriving, aren’t they?

    1. YES! I swear I think even the plants grow better when they’re surrounded by happy, positive vibes! 🙂

  17. Brigid OHara Koshko says:

    I love to garden and living in the South we have a lot of opportunities. I have not tried to grow pineapple. My kids will love to see one of their favorite fruits grow.

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