The Holidays are Full of Surprises – Good and Not So Good

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The holidays are meant to be full of surprises. It’s the whole point right? Well, not all surprises are good ones. For instance, the constant influx of company can be a joy–but when you have a cat determined to earn a reputation for having the stinkiest house on the block, unplanned visitors can lead to embarrassing situations. This review was made possible by iConnect and Febreze. I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% my own.

The Holidays are Full of Surprises - Good and Not So Good #12Stinks #ad

Holidays Full of Surprises

Stewie is a fantastic cat. Don’t get me wrong. He just has phenomenal timing when it comes to dropping a bomb of stench just before people come over. It’s so incredibly embarrassing. Guests arrive and Stewie launches out of his litter box like a torpedo followed by an aroma that can clear the whole house.

Then, as if he’s determined to quickly diffuse the smell through the entire building, he run laps around the whole house.

To combat this stinky situation, I tried Febreze Air Effects™ in Fresh-Twist Cranberry. Now, no one wants cranberry scented cat poop. But, with Febreze, it eliminates that odor and then fills the room with that great Holiday scent. No one needs to ever know what just happened.

Even if you don’t have any pets, the holidays come with numerous possible stinky situations.

Tips to Say Fresh

Check out “The #12Stinks of Christmas” with Doug E. Fresh and @ItsDougThePug! This video brings to life the stinks of the season and highlights how Febreze is the only solution tough enough to eliminate unwanted holiday odors while leaving behind a light, fresh holiday scent that keeps you guest-ready all season long.

The Holidays are Full of Surprises - Good and Not So Good #12Stinks #ad

First, stock up on Febreze’s full lineup of festive odor-eliminating Air Effects, Candles, Fabric Refresher and NOTICEables.

Here’s some ideas on how to use these for maximum effectiveness:

  • Febreze Fabric Refresher – just a little spritz to breathe new life into things like:
    • Musty Stockings
    • Ugly Christmas Sweaters – for the pets
    • Mounds of Mess – extra damp laundry from those snowball fights with the family
  • Febreze Candles – great to disguise disasters like:
    • Burnt Cookies
    • Overcooked Casserole
    • Diaper Bins
  • Febreze NOTICEables – two alternating scents continuously eliminate those not-so-festive odors in places like:
    • The Bathroom
    • The Boy’s Bedroom
    • Musty Furniture
  • Febreze Air Effects – spray the house to instantly eliminate odors from situations involving:
    • Stinky Ingredients like onions
    • Impromptu Guests
    • Garbage Can Overload

The Holidays are Full of Surprises - Good and Not So Good #12Stinks #ad

No matter what foul aromas you find yourself stuck in, know that Febreze has your nose covered.

Have you ever had a holiday full of surprises of the stinky variety?

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  1. So far all of the feebreeze products I’ve tried give me a headache. That’s why I use essential oils.

  2. Tamra Phelps says:

    Lol, I remember the odors cats can leave! We don’t have pets right now, but we still have Febreze around the house!

  3. Great post. I love Febreze candles, they smell great and work very well.

    xo Nermisa

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