Hilo Can Jump Now Thanks to his Dog Weight Loss

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Hilo’s dog weight loss has been an amazing success. We are thrilled with the progress and Hilo is literally jumping for joy. This post is sponsored by Hill’s and the Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic Food, but Sweep Tight only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.

Hilo Can Jump Now Thanks to his Dog Weight Loss #HillsPet

Dog Weight Loss with Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Canine Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution

When we started this journey, Hilo was being slowed down by a good 10 pounds of weight. He was completely content to just lay by the door all day. Stairs were becoming more and more difficult and his hips would noticeably just give out on him at times. We knew we had to do something about this. Hilo is only 6 years old and way too young to be in pain all the time.

Hilo Can Jump Now Thanks to his Dog Weight Loss #HillsPet
Now he’s getting skinny!

Our vet had said that weight was a big cause for the hip problems. Shepherds are already prone to have hip issues, so packing on even a few extra pounds can do some damage. Factor in the deep freeze over the winter and I don’t think any one’s joints felt like moving.

Once we started the Hill’s program, there was zero resistance from Hilo. He could not wait to get his food bowl filled. The stuff must taste scrumptious. He cannot get enough of it. During his diet he has never been deprived. He has had tasty treats and even wet food to mix it up.

Hilo Can Jump Now Thanks to his Dog Weight Loss #HillsPet

Hilo Can Jump Now

We had been noticing a few things here and there once Hilo started dropping some pounds. But, then the other day, Mike threw a ball in the yard and Hilo jumped. You need to picture it slow motion like an NBA player dunking. That’s how Hilo caught that ball. Mike started celebrating right away saying “He just jumped!!”. It just makes us happy because, clearly, this has all been worth it. If he feels good enough to jump, he much be in less pain.

Hilo Can Jump Now Thanks to his Dog Weight Loss #HillsPet

The Grump used to run circles around Hilo in the yard, but now he keeps up a lot better. We even have a little foster puppy now so everyone is frolicking around like crazy. We really do notice how Hilo seems to enjoy playing more. I think he used to get a little annoyed by the Grump’s playfulness, and now he encourages it. It’s great to see!

I would highly recommend Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Canine Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution to anyone looking for dog weight loss products. The program has been a breeze to follow and so, so worth it!

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  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    Yay! I am so happy to hear this is working for Hilo. I kind of love him – he is so cute.

  2. Brittany C. @ Mom. Wife. Busy Life. says:

    So glad he can move around a lot better! I need to consider putting my cat on a diet!

  3. Glad to hear that you dog is getting around better. It is so important to keep them on a proper diet so they will have happier and healthier lives.

  4. Robin (Mom Foodie) says:

    Yay! Good for Hilo. I am so glad the Hill’s formula is helping him live a healthier life.

  5. That’s awesome that your dog is able to move easier thanks to the weight loss! Feeding our dog a proper diet makes him happier and healthier.

  6. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    Awe, so happy for him! It’s amazing how much a few pounds can slow an animal down. Here’s to his happy and healthy AND ACTIVE life!! 🙂

  7. That’s great! We used to have a horribly overweight cat, but she’s had some health issues and has lost the weight on her own. If not, I’d definitely look into Hills Prescription Diet.

  8. Wow! Hilo really has shaped up over his four months on Hills Diet! I am glad to see that he is able to get around so much better now.

  9. Amy Desrosiers says:

    Wow, what a huge difference! It’s amazing what a diet can really do!!

  10. Chelley @ AisForAdelaide says:

    What a great product! The New England winters are hard, and I know we battle our dog’s weight from lack of exercise every Spring. Your pup looks so much happier now!

  11. That’s fantastic that it has made such a difference. I’ll have to share this with my sister who has two dogs, one of them a bit tubbier than the other.

  12. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    WOW! That is amazing, Hilo looks great! Sounds like a great product!

  13. That is so nice that he got that help! I dont think about pets needing diets as well to stay in shape.

  14. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    Your dog is so cute and looks great! This sounds like a great weight loss product for pets.

  15. My puppy somehow manages to stay thin. He barely does anything. It really is crazy!

  16. Seriously, your dog is gorgeous! I’m glad you found a great food for him!

  17. What a beautiful dog! I’m so glad that this product is helping him.

  18. sandy weinstein says:

    i am glad this worked for your dog. i am not a big fan of hill’s science diet, however, i do watch my 3 girls weight. right now, all 3 need to lose abt 1-3 lbs a piece.

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