Adding Flexibility to New Year’s Resolutions
I’ve partnered with Green Giant, Optimum Nutrition, vitafusion, and L’il Critters as part of an Influencer Activation and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
My original word of the year was FOCUS, which is still needed in my life. However, after I once again overwhelmed myself with goals, I now want my word to be FLEXIBILITY.
The start of not only a new year but a new decade is both motivating and overwhelming.

New Word of the Year – Flexibility
It’s supposed to be a new year and a new me, right? Um… I feel little difference in my personality here.
That’s why I’m taking a more realistic approach as I set my goals for the year. I’m still aiming high and making big goals, but adding in some wiggle room and helpful products so I am not doomed from the start.
Because I have a habit of taking things too far, my goals can quickly turn into a monster to-do list that has me in an uptight ball of stress within no time.
That is why I am adding FLEXIBILITY into all areas of my life. Here is how my word of the year fits into each goal I’ve made.

Flexibility in fitness
My fitness goals for the year include legitimately becoming more flexible. I plan to make yoga a large part of my routine.
I also want to be open to new fitness experiences. I plan to join my friends when they go to boxing classes, arial yoga, and other fun activities I’ve previously missed out on.

Keeping the right supplies on hand will help me reach my fitness goals. Products like Gold Standard Whey and Amino Energy allow me to make delicious smoothies to fuel my workouts.
Gold Standard Whey contains 24g of protein. It’s delicious and easy to make at any time. Blend it with some frozen fruit or veggies, or simply mix with water to enjoy on-the-go. The mix contains only 120 calories, 1.5g fat (or less), 2g sugar (or less), and is gluten-free.
Amino Energy from Optimum Nutrition helps give you that boost to get to the gym. The delicious mix contains 5g amino acids to help support muscle recovery.
Each serving is like drinking a cup of coffee in that it has 100 mg caffeine.

Flexibility in food choices
All of 2019 I was on a pretty strict keto diet. Cutting sugar is the best thing I’ve done for my health, but some flexibility is needed.
I plan to add in some carbs here and there for a little balance and variety.
Another goal I set is to cook from home a lot more often. Since I didn’t wake up as a new person eager to spend the day in the kitchen, I have to add realistic tweaks to this goal, as well.
Keeping my freezer stocked with frozen foods that are tasty and easy to make will help this goal become a reality.
My newest favorite is Green Giant Veggie Hash Browns. It’s the crunchy texture you crave from hash browns in vegetable form. Yes, I am on board with trying every cauliflower substitute out there!

Green Giant also has Cauliflower Gnocchi for another delicious side dish. I love that these products add a little variety to our dinners without any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. It’s a tasty way to get some extra servings of veggies in.
Another goal of mine is to be more consistent with supplements. An easy way to do this is to serve up gummy vitamins. No one forgets to take their vitamins when they taste delicious!

vitafusion Men and Women’s Gummy Vitamins are the #1 gummy vitamin brand and the only gummy vitamin brand with “clinically proven absorption”* and award-winning taste. **
For the little ones, offer up L’il Critters Children’s Gummies. Kids love the gummy bear shape and delicious flavor of these vitamins.
The gummies give kids the nutrients they need without artificial sweeteners, flavors, high-fructose corn syrup, synthetic dyes, gluten, or dairy.
Again, L’il Critters are the only gummy vitamin brand with “doctor tested proven nutrient absorption”. *

*For Vitamins C & D3 in products that contain those nutrients.
**The ChefsBest Excellence Award is awarded to brands that surpass a quality standard established by independent professional chefs.
Flexibility in plans
I work from home, which gives me some freedoms others don’t have, but I behave as though I’m chained to my desk.
Part of me is terrified that when my brain realizes I can take off at any time, I’ll never work again.
While discipline is extremely important, I’m loosening the reigns a little bit. I plan to say yes to more lunch invites and do more fun things to avoid burnout.
By keeping my work schedule more flexible, I’m opening up the opportunity for more spontaneous adventures with family, friends, and my dogs!
You know what another goal should be for the new year? Enter more sweepstakes! Yay!
Start with the Resolutions at Walmart Sweepstakes for a chance to win a gym membership for a year.
Open from December 28th, 2019 – February 24th, 2020.
Limit one prize per person or household. Only one entry per person.
Visit for full terms and conditions.
Now closed.

What are some things you do to make your goals more achievable?