Alcohol Ink Earth Day Craft
This Earth Day craft doesn’t necessarily do anything noteworthy for the planet, however, as art so often does, it provokes thought.
Whether you use these

We’re All In This Together
While our planet deserves celebration and care every day, it’s a wonderful tradition to celebrate Earth Day.
Planting trees, picking up litter, building bird houses, composting, and tending gardens are just a few of the plethora of things to do to show mother nature some love.

First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day is now celebrated in more than 193 countries. It’s beautiful to see environmental protection as a unifying act.
Earth Day Craft
Add this fun Earth Day craft to the list of things you can do! Making

You can draw any nature scene, acorns, flowers, or the whole planet. For this tutorial, I drew an abstract picture of earth and a whimsical tree.

Earth Day Alcohol Ink Tiles
- Fine Tip Paint Brush
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- 5 bottle alcohol ink in a variety of colors
- 1 bottle alcohol ink blending solution
- 1 ceramic tile any size
- 2 Sharpie permanent marker in preferred thickness and color
- 4 felt stickers
- With the tile face down, apply felt stickers to each corner.1 ceramic tile, 4 felt stickers
- Make sure the front of the tile is clean and dry.
- Use the Sharpie permanent marker to draw minimalistic nature designs–the simpler, the better. Go over your lines to make sure they’re about 3-5 mm thick.2 Sharpie permanent marker
- Apply the blending solution with a fine tip brush to the inside of your image–or wherever you want to add color. Be sure to stay at least 1 mm away from your marker line, or it will bleed, and the alcohol ink will run through it. (Sometimes this is awesome and creates something unexpected and neat!)1 bottle alcohol ink blending solution
- Add droplets of alcohol ink to the areas with blending solution. Be mindful of your color choices because they will mix. (Too many colors will create a dark mess.)5 bottle alcohol ink
- If areas are not getting colored, try using a toothpick to drag the ink to those blank spots.
- Once the inside of your image is colored, apply blending solution to your background and repeat steps 4 and 5.
- When you’re satisfied with your creation, allow it to dry on a flat surface.

To finish the sides of the tiles, you can color them with Sharpie markers or use

Coming up next are some really pretty alcohol ink flowers you can make to give as Mother’s Day gifts!
Do you make an Earth Day craft every year?
Okay, this is so neat! I have never head of alcool ink before and I love how it turned out. I am going to have to pick up supplies and make it! Thanks for the inspiration!
That craft turns out so lovely. These would make great gifts.
My nephew and I would enjoy doing an afternoon of this. Thanks for sharing.
Very pretty, I love all of the different colors.
These alcohol ink tiles are my favorite yet! So pretty…
I love the watery look of the ink.
I LOVE these! Thanks for the idea, I definitely want to try this!
This is so cool and the perfect answer to me dying eggs with my little ones and with my teen! This is the perfect way to get them all involved without it being too babyish!
A fun prize with lots of suprizes is nice for the whole family.
Again this is just so neat! It looks totally awesome!! Seeing it done makes it look so easy!
I like the Earth Day ink tiles. Surprise boxes are so fun!
I’ve been meaning to try alcohol ink for a while… I think my kids would enjoy this, too!
This is so awesome! What a great gift idea! You make it look so easy
These Earth Day Alcohol Ink Tiles would be a fun and interesting craft to do with my daughter. She is very artistic but I don’t think she ever did anything like this.
Happy Easter! Happy Earth Day!
Thanks for the contest.
This looks like a cool craft!
I can’t wait to try out this fun craft project with my teen girls. Thanks for the awesome blog post about the idea.
i am the un-craftiest person I know, but even I might have a crack at these!
Surprise boxes are always fun to open! Love the look of the tile
We don’t do an Earth Day craft every year but since it falls on my birthday we try to incorporate something outdoorsy like a hike or simple walk in the park.Being out there amidst the beautiful trees and lakes makes you feel more connected to the earth and makes it easy to want to do your best to take care of it.
These tiles are so cool!! They would make such beautiful gifts for Mother’s Day indeed!!
This craft looks very fun. Thanks for sharing!
I really like these, they’re gorgeous!
I really love this design. My husband asked for alcohol inks for Christmas, and has been working on floral designs. I’m excited to show him this Earth Day design!