Back to School Eye Exam for Kids
Yowza! Where did Summer break go? I have suddenly found myself in the whirlwind of back to school doctor appointments. I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central for the American Optometric Association (AOA). I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Eww. If only to prevent more wrinkles… avoid having to squint and strain your eyes! No one wants to look like this!

Digital Eye Strain
Chances are you’ve had this and didn’t know it’s an actual thing. I know after staring at my computer screen, then to my phone, to my tablet, my eyes are all out of whack.
Well, think about how often your kids are on their devices. Do you actually even know how long they spend staring at some sort of digital screen?
The statistics say we are pretty oblivious. I know my kids spend way too much time on their iPods and playing games on the computer, or the TV.
Like everything else on the planet, this too shall have a price. Optometrists are growing increasingly concerned about the kinds of light everyday electronic devices give off–high-engery, short-wavelength blue light–and how those rays might affect and even age the eyes.

The solution is fairly simple. First, be aware of the issue. Especially with back to school season in full swing, the kids are going to be exposed to more and more to digital screens. Here are some simple tips that can help prevent digital eye strain:
- 20-20-20 rule: Take a 20-second break, every 20 minutes and view something 20 feet away.
- Height and position of the device: computer screens should be 4-5 inches below eye level and 20-28 inches away from the eyes.
- Digital devices should be held a safe distance away from the eyes and slightly below eye level.
- Avoid glare on the screen.
- Match the amount of light in the room to the computer screen.
- Use large font size to make it easier to read.
- Keep blinking!

Back to School Eye Exam
Do you schedule regular eye exams for your kids? Even if they don’t need glasses? Well, I’ll be honest, I probably wouldn’t think about it if my son didn’t need glasses or going back to school didn’t require it every so often.
The truth is, whether your kids need glasses or not, they should get their eyes checked at least yearly after the age of three.
Children now have the benefit of yearly comprehensive eye exams thanks to the Pediatric Essential Health Benefit in the Affordable Act, through age 18.
My kids will be getting their eye exams in two weeks. Sometimes I find myself squinting for digital eye strain too!
Since most of my work involves being on the computer, for the first time in my 24 years of life, I had to get glasses this past eye exam appointment I had. It’s so weird how much they help and I never realized I needed them!
I get up from the computer every hour and do something else. Had my eye exam last month, no new glasses (yea!)
Eye exams are so important. I remember when Adam had his first eye exam because of all the squinting he was doing in class. I was SURE his school work would improve after he got glasses. Nope… didn’t happen.
Eye health is so important. I’m using my eyes to see this screen after looking at a beautiful sunset.
Eye exams are important.. kids who can’t see right are low in school grades, but with a simple fix as getting eyes examined is the best thing. love the review.
Eye exams are necessary for all ages but especially for kids.