Shark Week Product Essentials

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Shark Week is coming, and you can’t just sit there and watch it in your everyday clothes. That would be an injustice to the event. That would be like going to a wedding in flip flops or a black tie gala in your tuxedo shirt. Shark Week is like a holiday – a magical time when we all gather together and celebrate sharks, shark attacks, mysterious sharks of the deep, and last, but certainly not least, Rob Lowe riding on the back of a haltered shark. It should be treated with all the respect and reverence it deserves. It should be showered with swag. There are many jaw-dropping products out there to help you fully appreciate the event. This post contains affiliate links, but all opinions are my own.

Shark Week Essentials

shark week essentials

Click on the red dots to find more info about the products.

There are so many fun finds out there. Just doing a search for Shark Week on Amazon brings up a load of cool items. Sleeping bags, lunch boxes, shower curtains, graphic tees – if you can think of it, it’s probably there. You can throw a shark party and decorate your house, make chummy snacks, dress up your pets, and so much more. The possibilities are endless.

I have always been a fan of sharks. They are horrifying, yet fascinating. I love to learn about them and fear them from my couch, my dogs Grump, Hilo, and Franklin protecting me from the scary picture box. Jaws happens to be one of my favorite movies. Although it pretty much scared me for life when it comes to swimming in the ocean, I still watch it every time it’s on.

If you need me, I will be in our Chumbuddy. It’s the best sleeping bag ever and surprisingly super soft and cuddly!

Do you watch Shark Week? Do you do anything special to celebrate it?

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  1. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says:

    It’s funny, I was just talking to my boyfriend about how I’d love to swim with sharks one day. He downright refused to do it himself, but I’m definitely going to do it one day!

    And I’m pretty sure I need those socks 😀

    1. Yikes, not sure if I could swim with one without passing out underwater. PERHAPS I could be on the boat while YOU did it. That might even be too close! LOL

  2. My son would love one of those sleeping bags! So cute.

  3. No TV. Don’t like sharks.

  4. tanya holland says:

    I love shark week. My son will be going to school for marine biology and loves sharks.

  5. Tamra Phelps says:

    Lol, I love these things! Hopefully, they will still be around when Shark Week rolls around next year!

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