Back To School Shopping Online for High Schoolers

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It’s that time of year again. Some of us cringe, while some of us rejoice. Personally, I think back to school shopping online is super fun. With my son in high school, shopping online at Zazzle allows us to get pretty creative with his style. He loves expressing his silly coolness and Zazzle’s custom options give total creative license. I received a gift card to purchase these items but all opinions shared are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

Back to School shopping online for high school can be super fun!

Back To School Shopping Online

Adam, aka, the Boop, came out of my womb ready to enlist in the service. His life goal is to become a Navy Seal. He’s been putting himself through his own training for years taking 2 minute, ice cold showers, , and just generally being a heroic young man. He does all this while maintaining a great sense of humor. He’s a bit of a class clown and I wouldn’t want him any other way.

Back to School shopping online

We sat down together and played around on Zazzle for quite a while. We had a ton of fun coming up with designs for his school supplies. For high school, it’s imperative that he has ‘cool’ stuff and he’s the type of kid that can start a trend.

Navy seal flip flops

Zazzle makes it crazy easy to add your own designs to pretty much any product. We were able to customize Boop’s new binder, flip flops for the pool/shower, his sweet new shades, and get some awesome stickers to spruce up some of last year’s supplies that are still in good shape. I love that these things make him excited to go to school and express his own sense of self and style.

Back to School custom stickers

Plus, no one will ever be able to take his stuff because it’s truly unique.

Back to School binder

We even got a super cute shirt with a hedgehog and pineapple–my favorite–on it.

Back to School shopping at zazzle

Find Zazzle coupon codes here.

Have you tried doing your back to school shopping online with Zazzle? What design do you want on your supplies?

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  1. It’s fun how you can personalize the stuff they have. Your son has a fun sense of style.

  2. Maryann D. says:

    i really like all the items in the photos. Zazzle is a super fun to shop and personalize products.

  3. Christina Gould says:

    I’ve never thought of back to school shopping on line, lol. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Rana Durham says:

    i love hids look. ebven though its back ti schol has passed . it is still gofd to sewe what youyr soon wore.

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