Best Screen Protector for Your Phone or Device

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It only takes one shattered phone or iPod to leave scars on your heart… and wallet. I received a free product to facilitate my review, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.


Ugh, I can recall that moment with perfect clarity. The moment when I carelessly dropped my phone, and—as if in slow motion—watched as it landed on its corner and shattered its screen to spiderwebs of despair. I literally almost cried.

The phone was an older model but one that I really loved. It had a great camera and I loved its size and layout. Despite my love for this phone, I decided not to invest in fixing it since there were so many other upgrades available.

Protect your phone with the Best Screen Protector @getrhinoshield

Best Screen Protector

Needless to say, I now go to great lengths to protect my phones and devices. When I saw this video for the RhinoShield I knew I had to have it. I can now go about my day without worrying about my phone. I feel great knowing that my phone is protected from cracks, scratches and shattering. I toss it into my purse along with my keys and that’s that.

The RhinoShield is super easy to apply, just make sure you clean your screen really well before applying. Even the tiniest spec can cause a bubble to form between the layers.

Make sure your phone has the best screen protector on the market! I am using the RhinoShield on a Galaxy S5, but it’s also available for:

  • most Apple phones and tablets
  • the Blackberry z10
  • the Nexus 4, 5, 7 and 10
  • the HTC One M7 and M8
  • the LG G3 and GPRO 2
  • Motorola MOTO X and MOTO G
  • Samsung Galaxy S4, S5 and Note 3
  • Sony XPeria Z, Z1, Z2, and Z1 Compact

Follow RhinoShield on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all their new offerings and promotions!

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  1. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says:

    I’ve seriously been having the WORST luck with phones lately! First, I drop my own phone in the toilet and don’t act fast enough so that baby was fried. Then, my mom being the kind and generous soul that she is, gave me her own phone and what do I end up doing? I drop it and crack the screen 🙁 Thank goodness it didn’t shatter completely!

  2. RICHARD HICKS says:

    This looks like it really offers the best protection. Never had it happen to me but it could.

  3. Nicole Dz says:

    I could use this protection for my tablet and my phone. I would hate if my screen shattered, how heart-breaking. Great to see theres products out there to help prevent it.

  4. Julie Wood says:

    I need to get one of these Screen Protectors because it is so easy to break a screen and shatter it. It is nice to know that this screen protector can be used on a lot of devices.

  5. It hasn’t happened to me, but a few of my family members have ended up with shattered screens after an accidental slip of their phones. Having a screen protector seems too important not to apply immediately after getting a phone. A lot of cases protect the exterior of the phone, but sometimes don’t provide enough protection for the actual screen, so I’m glad there are actual screen protectors. I’ll have to keep RhinoShield in mind when I get a new phone!

  6. Tina Marie says:

    This product is a wise investment. iPhones are expensive! Thanks for sharing!

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