Bing Browser and Bing Rewards – Swag for Searching

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I’m a full-time blogger, so I’m always on the computer. That means I’m also searching the internet at all times. That’s why Bing Rewards is awesome. I just use the Bing browser, and I earn credits for all kinds of swag. It’s pretty sweet. I was compensated for this post by Bing Rewards, however all thoughts, experiences, and opinions are my own. 

Swag Brought to you by the Bing Browser

I know there’s this ongoing thing out there about which search engine is the best. Everyone’s got an opinion. X search engine is better because Y, and Y search engine is better because X. Here’s my take. To me, a search engine is a search engine, so I just use the Bing browser at ALL times. Why? Because I can earn credits towards various swag and even charitable donations. It’s simple. I use the browser, it shows me what I’m looking for, and I get free stuff. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

It’s the Easiest Rewards Program Ever!

Here’s a rundown of how Bing Rewards works.

  • Join Bing Rewards for Free. If you sign in with an existing Microsoft account of any kind or create a new one, you get 20 bonus credits. Sweet.
  • Search for all the random stuff you always search for using the Bing browser
  • Earn credits and turn them in for all kinds of crazy cool stuff. You can even donate them to your local school through the Bing in the Classroom program.

That’s it. Like I said, it’s the easiest reward program ever. I mean seriously, I am going to earn swag for searching for videos of cats, videos of dogs, videos of cats, how to spoil my dogs, and, you know, business stuff, too…

What Your Bing Rewards Credits can get You

You can get all kinds of cool gift cards and prizes by using Bing Rewards and the Bing browser. Gift cards are always available for redemption of Bing Rewards credits. In addition to that, the program offers sweepstakes that change periodically. Here are the great sweepstakes they’re running right now.

  • $500.00 Sephora Gift Card: Get 500 smackers to spend on all the cool beauty supplies at Sephora. I love Sephora!
  • $500.00 GameStop Gift Card: Get 500 green backs to spend on everything from consoles to controllers to games.
  • Chance to Win a Surface Pro 3 Tablet: Redeem all of those Bing Rewards credits you earned while using the Bing browser to enter for a chance to win a super sweet All-in-One tablet/laptop.
  • Chance to Win a Limited Edition Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Bundle: This kick @$$ bundle includes a ginormous 1TB hard drive, in-game sound effects, a console with the Sentinel Task Force icon, a wireless controller that looks like an artifact, and other cool stuff.
Bing Browser and Bing Rewards - Swag for Searching

As you can see, Bing Rewards offers some crazy cool sweepstakes. FYI, I earned credits while I was writing this by using the Bing browser to search for synonyms for dollars. That’s how I got smackers and green backs. =D

If you live on the internet like I do, and if you love swag, do yourself a favor and sign up for Bing Rewards. You’re only a signup and a Bing browser away from getting all kinds of cool swag just for searching the web. And let’s face it, you’re already doing that all the time. You might as well get something for it! =D

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  1. ellen beck says:

    I have to admit I am not much of a Bing user I dont know why. I tend to use Google, again its just habit. I might have to reconsider if there are rwards, I am always doing searches

  2. This sounds like an interesting rewards program, Bing Rewards is definitely worth checking out. Thank you for sharing this review.

  3. David Fultner says:

    Thanks for sharing It sounds like a geart reward program.

  4. I already use Bing and one of the things I love about it, besides the awesome rewards program, is the gorgeous background that changes daily. Sometimes, even when I’m not doing a search, I’ll log on just to see where the photo background of the day is from. Learn something new every day!

  5. I’ve had a couple of Amazon GCs I got through this.

  6. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I think I should switch to Bing. It sounds like it’s totally worth it to get rewarded for searches I do anyways.

  7. I use Bing as my default search engine – I’ve collected maybe $100 in Amazon G/C’s so far! It’s great – the search results are similar to big G. The only thing I use Google for now is Maps, Bing needs much improvement with maps – other than that – the rewards are worth the switch!

  8. This is a great program! My problem is remembering to use. Thanks for the reminder!

  9. I really need to sign up for this. I’m on the computer ALL day, and I search for everything constantly. Thanks!

  10. Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says:

    I do use Bing once in a while but, this sound like a great program, that’s for sure! I have to look into it!

  11. Melissa Pezza says:

    This is really cool! I’m always searching for one thing or another online. I might as well get something for it! Thanks!

  12. Christine says:

    Huh! Who’da thunk? Boy it’s amazing how many cool things are out there!

  13. I had no clue BING offered rewards for things I do anyways. What a great opportunity. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I’ve told my son’s school that they need to switch to this! Great rewards!

  15. I have never used Bing. Thanks for sharing. I will take another look into it.

  16. Mistee Dawn says:

    I love Bing Rewards. I have been using Bing for years. I a constantly searching the net, too.

  17. Chelley @ AisForAdelaide says:

    I’ve never heard of Bing rewards! Such an interesting program.

  18. This sounds like a neat rewards program. Especially for those of us always on the web!

  19. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    I have not really used Bing before. It sounds like there are great benefits to using it. I will have to give it a try.

  20. This is such a cool rewards program. I know a lot of people would love to earn some Microsoft Points by using Bing rewards.

  21. Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks) says:

    Interesting reward program. Thanks for sharing. Never heard of it before,

  22. I have never heard of Bing Rewards before. This is a great idea for them to get more traffic while benefiting the rest of us as well. Awesome!

  23. Autumn @Mamachallenge says:

    Thanks for sharing! I tend to use Google more over Bing, but that may have to change!

  24. This looks like a great rewards program!!! I search on the internet all the time, kinda bummed i missed out on rewards now!

  25. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    I’m an online search maniac, I really need to start using this! Thanks for the intro!

  26. Janel (A Mom's Take) says:

    I don’t Bing that much, but I just might start. I like the idea of being rewarded.

  27. Amy Desrosiers says:

    I actually love earning money just for searching the web. This sounds like a fun way to make some chump change.

  28. Debi- The Spring Mount 6 Pack says:

    I should sign up for this. I am always searching for something.

  29. Sandra Watts says:

    I use Bing and have gotten several amazon cards just for doing searches.

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