Cellulite Massage Mat – a Work at Home Asset
Every woman that I know has cellulite. Let’s just get that out there right now. I cannot remember a time when I didn’t have cellulite. Even when I was at my healthiest and fittest, I still had those stubborn pockets of trapped fat. I received SweetCheeks for review purposes, but all opinions are my own.

Cellulite Massage Mat is a Work at Home ASSet
Aging makes it harder and harder to keep the cellulite from being the most noticeable part of my legs and butt. It also doesn’t help that I sit in a chair most of the day. Now that I work from home, I sit more than ever. My fitness routine is pretty much non-existent. I keep promising to make changes, but my treadmill still acts as a clothes hanger.

I have read and heard many times that massage can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. I have had gadgets in the past that you plug in and suction yourself. I tend to use those for about a week before they are thrown into a closet and forgotten about. What I love about the SweetCheeks Massage Mat is that it takes such minimal effort to use. You just sit on the mats, and that is it. Your own body weight and natural movements initiate the massage. There are no plugs or batteries to mess with. Just plop the mats down and sit.

I am sorry to tell you that I did not take a picture of my booty for this review. There are plenty of before and after images on the SweetCheeks website. Sitting on SweetCheeks for thirty minutes will give you the increased circulation needed. After that, you will have some dents from the points on the mat. They go down within another thirty minutes. You are then left with visibly smoother skin. You know that means, ladies? It only takes an hour. We all love instant gratification, right?

SweetCheeks – Not just for the Booty
Another issue I am noticing from sitting so long is a burning sensation in my right butt and leg. I am sure it has something to do with sitting too much and probably in an awkward position. You know they are now saying “sitting is the new smoking.” Ugh. SweetCheeks is also great for those types of aches and pains. Increased circulation is beneficial to anyone who sits a lot. Regardless of your concern with cellulite. Use on other sections of your back, as well.

The mats come with a nice carrying case since they are easy to bring with you anywhere. You can even sit on them in the car. These mats are perfect for multi-taskers. I am sitting on them as I write this post. I find that they wake me up a bit, too. It’s not painful to sit on them, but enough of a sensation to keep you a bit more alert.

SweetCheeks Coupon Code
Use coupon code SWEEPTIGHT20 to save 20% off your SweetCheeks order. Expires August 31, 2015.
Increases circulation
I really enjoyed the before and after shots. It doesn’t get any easier then sitting on mat for 30 minutes and seeing visible results after. While I work out 5 times a week I have stubborn patches of cellulite around my derriere and this would be wonderful to try!
I like that you can sit on SweetCheeks more than once per day.
I learned that the mat is like a personal massager.
SweetCheeks comes in two versions: Flexible and Rigid. Both can be used for temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite and increasing local circulation. The Flexible Mat can also be used for relief of minor muscle aches and pains and muscle spasms.
Thanks for the contest.
I learned you can get the Rigid or the Flexible mats. Im dying to see if these work!
The Rigid version might be preferred if the User intends to wear heavier clothing.
Wow! This does look like a magic product! I really like that there is a rigid version, so you can keep using it as we move into fall.
I learned it also relieves minor muscle aches and pains and muscle spasms!
I learned that SweetCheeks comes in two versions: Flexible and Rigid, and both can be used for temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite and increasing local circulation.
I learned that “SweetCheeks is dishwasher safe.”
I learned that there is an amazing mat avaliable that reduces cellulite,improves circulation, helps with pain. I never knew that something like this existed and it would help me so much because I have all those problems!
i like that you only have to sit on it to get rid of your cellulite
I love that besides reducing cellulite, this can also relieve minor aches and pains.
It increases circulation, so I’m wondering if it would help prevent my lower back from “falling alseep”!
I learned what a Bu-Thigh is. How funny.
I learned that the mat will relieve minor muscle aches and pains and minor muscle spasms.
This sounds like such an easy product to try. You are already sitting why not just sit on the mat?! I think it is defiantly worth a try. I like it much better than creams etc.
I learned that it will relieve minor muscle aches and pains.
I like that the Flexible Mat can also be used for relief of minor muscle aches and pains and muscle spasms.
i love massage! I bought a massage chair a year ago and i’ve been using it everyday
I had no idea there was a product like this to help with cellulite. I’m going to have to enter the giveaway because I could definitely use one of these.
I learned that it massages as well.
Oh wow, I could use these mats. I have those nasty pockets of fats that I’ve been wanting to get rid of for years.
I like that it Relieves minor muscle aches and pains also
I like that it Relieves minor muscle aches and pains also How cool is this
I learned that you can also use the mats for the temporary relief of muscle spasms and minor muscle aches and pains in the neck or back. The SweetCheeks mats are uniquely designed to be multi-positional.
What an interesting product. I like that it increases circulation to areas where there is cellulite.
I learned that the mats can be used for relief of muscle aches.
I learned it is a temporary reduction in cellulite
I learned that the SweetCheeks Cellulite Massage Mat can also relieve minor muscle aches and pains.
I like that it can relieve minor aches and pains.
ASSet….I am still laughing about that. As much as I sit I think this is exactly what i need to banish the cellulite!
I learnt that thirty minutes a day is all it takes!
I like that the mat can also be used for relief of minor muscle aches and pains and muscle spasms.
I had never heard of these mats before! I will be checking them out soon! I hear and read they do make a difference! Thanks for highlighting!
I like that you can take it anywhere. I think it sounds great, especially for the younger crowd. 🙂
I like that you can wash them in the dishwasher.
SweetCheeks improves circulation and temporarily reduces the appearance of cellulite.
What an interesting product. I love their logo lol. Thanks for sharing this cool giveaway.
Ugh I’m so with you! I sit way too much doing the same job. I have begun going back to the gym though. Went shopping yesterday and my jean size has stayed the same so that’s kindof good that it didn’t go up.
sounds good to me! it can also be used for relief of minor muscle aches and pains and muscle spasms.
This sounds like a really interesting product and I’d love to try this out! Thanks for the giveaway – I hope I win! The before and after photos on the site are quite incredible!
I really like that in addition to treating cellulite, this product relieves minor muscle aches and spasms!
I learned that SweetCheeks is so easy to use with minimal effort with 2 versions: Flexible and Rigid, & both can be used for temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite & to help increase local circulation. Awesome!
This sounds like a product I would love to try. I am going to put this on my birthday wish list for sue. This is something I will have to share with my sisters too. Thanks for sharing.
I would definitely use this product! I’ve learned with increased circulation to this area of your body with SweetCheeks for 30 minutes a day will help to provide a smoother appearance to the skin.
I read the description and it sounds like a perfect fit for me. I could use it when I’m watching a show with my hubby or doing computer stuff for work and it might help with minor pains in my rear and thigh area.
That is so interesting! I’m with you on the sitting – I sit TOO long and need something to help
I sit almost all day while working and I have noticed a bit more cellulite. I looked at the before and afters on the website and there is a noticeable difference. These seem like they are worth a try.
Even if you do not have a cellulite issue, you can get increased local circulation and nutrients and oxygen by using sweetcheeks.
Any one can sit for 30 min so how easy to increase circulation and make things better. Looking at the green mat photo, I kept thinking I’ve seen those mats before
Finally remembered the silicone baking mat for crispy frenchfries – the pointy surface holds food up so it browns all over without having to be flipped. I wonder if I still have that green mat in the back of one of the cupboards.
That in addition to boosting circulation, it also comes in handy to provide relief from minor muscle aches and pains.
I am sorry, but nothing that they say has explained why this would not just be terrible uncomfortable.
OMGoodness, I love the cleverness and design of the Sweetcheeks logo. Usually you see creams being promoted, this is the first time that I’ve seen a mat geared towards addressing cellulite.
I think this idea sounds great! If it works great and it would be much easier than the creams. Plus the logo is adorable!
the mat is like a personal massager
I like that i can use it anywhere, even my office!
I learned that it also can be used for relief of minor muscle aches and pains and muscle spasms, which is great because after an illness I suffered as a child, I have muscle spasms and muscle aches…I would love this massager.
I like that it can relieve muscle aches! I have bursitis, tendionitis, and a tear in my left arm and cannot take any medication for the pain. This would be a blessing
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
I learned that they Temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite
This looks interesting. I would love to see if it really works. I learned that it will also increase circulation.
i love how this makes it so easy to squeeze a 30 minute massage in your schedule ! 🙂
Well this sounds interesting. I like that it’s portable and that it can also be used for muscle aches and pains
I learned that you can use it on your back or neck for minor aches, pains or spasms. This is pretty awesome for what just looks like a piece of plastic!
I love that it helps with circulation. I have poor hand and feet circulation , especially in the winter months.
I learned that it not only reduces the appearance of cellulite, but it relieves muscles and aches and increases blood circulation.
I learned that Increasing circulation brings with it all the benefits of a therapeutic massage
I learned that you can use these mats on your upper and lower back or back of the neck as well.
I love the you can take it with you where ever you go. This would be wonderful to have one.
2 versions- Flexible and Rigid
I learned the mat can relieve minor muscle spasms
I liked the before and after shots I had no idea this sort of thing would work….
I like that these can temporarily reduce cellulite, improve circulation, and relieve muscle aches and spasms.
I learned that they also can work on relieving some aches and pains
I love that it’s a personal massager
I just like how it’s portable. not too big and unmanagable to use.
I’m very impressed they’re listed with the FDA–makes me feel like it will actually work!
I like that it increases circulation. I have trouble with my legs going numb if I sit for too long.
would love to try this
I love that it relieves minor muscle spasms! I get these a lot!
I learned that it relieves minor muscle aches and pains. That would be great!
I learned that you can position it for other areas to help with pains liked the lumbar.
I like that it can also be used to help minor aches and pains! Can sit on it at work 🙂
I learned that this mat is listed with the FDA to relieve minor muscle aches, pains and spasms.
This product temporarily reduces the appearance of cellulite and increases circulation. I sit a lot throughout the day, so this would be great!
i like the turqouise / cool gray mat!!! i could really use this at work!!!!
i love how this makes it so easy to squeeze a 30 minute massage in your schedule.
I learned and like these points
Temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite
Increase local circulation
Relieve minor muscle aches and pains
Relieve minor muscle spasms
I need all of these!!!
I learned that Relieve minor muscle aches and pains.
I learned that it only takes an hour to see results on thighs.
As much I as like the idea of reducing the appearance of cellulite ~ what really draws me to this products other benefits:
Increasing Circulation
Increase local circulation
Relieve minor muscle aches and pains
Relieve minor muscle spasms
Probably because I spend so much time sitting ar a computer ~ I seem to carry A LOT OF TENSION in my rear end and thighs – to the point that I experience not only pain ~ but also muscle spasms! It’s terrible!
I learned that it is available in Flexible or Rigid , & I like that there is an option!
Available in several colors and Flexible & Rigid!
It can relieve minor muscle aches and pains too!
I learned that the company is located in Austin, Texas.
I have never seen this before – but it would seems I would love to have them haha.. I needed it for those cellulites haha!
This looks perfect for the kitchen when you’re standing for a long time