Cinnamon Cornmeal Cookies Recipe

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Cornmeal Cookies are not something that immediately come to mind when I think of baking, but I am trying to be more adventurous in the kitchen. Turns out, they are pretty darn delicious. I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central for P.A.N. Cornmeal. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

Cinnamon Cornmeal Cookies Recipe #PANFan

P.A.N. Cornmeal has existed for many years but is only recently making its way into kitchens in the USA. It’s the number one cornmeal in South America. Corn is native to the Americas, but due to its rich nutrients and versatility, cornmeal is a staple in countries all over the globe.

To get some recipe ideas and inspiration, I visited P.A.N. Cornmeal’s Tumblr. Naturally, the cornmeal cookies caught my eye. I modified the recipe a bit, and mine look different than theirs in the picture. My cookies seem a lot more cake-like, but they are yummy.

Cinnamon Cornmeal Cookies Recipe #PANFan

Cinnamon Cornmeal Cookies Recipe


  • 1 cup P.A.N. Cornmeal
  • 1/2 cup butter (one stick)
  • 1 cup cream cheese (one stick)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 and grease a cookie sheet with butter.
  2. Beat all wet ingredients well.
  3. Mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
  4. Slowly add the dry mixture into the wet while mixing.
  5. Drop tablespoons of batter on your greased cookie sheet leaving space in between each.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes.

Cinnamon Cornmeal Cookies Recipe #PANFan

The result of this culinary exploration was light, fluffy, cookies that are not too sweet, but still flavorful. Mike and I both had a hard time describing what was happening with our taste buds, but we kept going back for more. He wanted to eat them with whipped cream. I enjoy cookies that are not overly sweet, so I loved them. The cake-like texture makes them extra interesting. I will make them again for sure, and cannot wait to experiment with more cornmeal recipes.

Have you ever had cornmeal cookies? Do you have a favorite cornmeal recipe?

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  1. Fee Roberts says:

    I’ve never heard of baking with cornmeal. They look really good, though. They look kind of light and airy. I’d give them a try.

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    The only time I Have ever used cornmeal is to coat the bottom of my homemade pizzas when I cook them. I would totally try baking with it, though.

  3. I’ve never heard of making cookies with cornmeal before. I’ll have to give this a try. I’m always on the lookout for new nom noms! =D

  4. This is an original way to bake cookies – I would have never thought to use cornmeal instead of flour. I have baked cornbread before with cornmeal and that is about it. I bet the cinnamon makes them taste really good.

  5. Tiffany Dover says:

    This is awesome! I’ve literally never used cornmeal for anything so I’m excited to try this!

  6. Julie Waldron says:

    I’ve never heard of them but they look good. I like cornmeal muffins.

  7. David Fultner says:

    This are different from anything I have made. They sound tasty.

  8. I love cornmeal cookies. I am like you and don’t love the super sweet and your husband is spot on their are so good with a little whipped cream. It makes them decadent. I always use self rising cornmeal in mine. I love the cake like texture. They are especially good in a muffin top pan and yummy with coffee 🙂

  9. Mama to 5 BLessings says:

    I have neer heard of adding cornmeal in cookies. This recipe sounds great, my kids would enjoy it!

  10. Seattle Travel Blogger says:

    These sound delicious! I love making homemade cookies, cinnamon is a favorite.

  11. Sarah Marturano says:

    These look yummy! I would have never thought to make cookies with cornmeal before.

  12. Shelley Zurek says:

    I haven’t ever had a cornmeal cookie and these look very interesting. Can’t wait to pin this one.

  13. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    I have never tried baking with cornmeal before. This looks like a delicious recipe. I will have to try it this weekend. I am sure it will be a big hit.

  14. I could definitely get into some cinnamon cookies like these. I loooove soft cookies!

  15. I have never used cornmeal to make cookies before. Definitely need to try this. I absolutely love cinnamon and these cookies look good!

  16. I have never thought to use cornmeal to make cookies. That is such a great idea!

  17. I never would have thought to use cornmeal in a cookie. I’m interested in making these to see if they taste good.

  18. Hmm, I can’t say that I have ever had anything like these before, LOL… but they sound good to me. I love cinnamon, so win/win, right? Thanks for sharing…

  19. Danielle H says:

    I’ve never had a cornmeal cookie, but these look delicious. Might have to give it a try.

  20. Autumn @Mamachallenge says:

    I have never had a cornmeal cookie before! I will have to try this out!

  21. nicole dziedzic says:

    These Cinnamon Cornmeal Cookies look like a amazing treat, love the ingredients. Gonna try these this weekend.

  22. Andrea Kruse says:

    I have never heard of cornmeal cookies before! But, I do love cinnamon and they look so yummy. I will have to give this a try.

  23. Julie Wood says:

    These cookies look so delicious, and there was such a good deal on cornmeal at the store last week that I got some and I want to make these cookies when it is not 100 degrees outside. Thanks for sharing a delicious recipe!

  24. Never had these but they sound so good. Will have to try these with my boys

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