Color, Click, Capture Photography – BLUE

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Color, Click, Capture Photography – BLUE

Okay, so after last week’s explosion of GREEN,  I will limit this week’s Color, Click, Capture Photography challenge to just a couple pics. 🙂

This is a picture of some really neat transparent jelly fish. I was so mesmerized by the way they drift and flow through the water; I could watch them for hours. But, don’t worry, this is behind glass… I wouldn’t want to actually be in the water with them!

blue jelly fish photography

Love the blue on these wings…

blue butterfly wings

Blue Sky Beach:  My son the super-spaz… If you’ve ever watched the cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender, my son is Aang to a tee…

blue sky

Blue Bowling Ball:  This is a picture from our first date! Chad and I bowled with his friends, who, for the last round of bowling make up their own rules… You can tell by the look on my face, I totally think it’s ridiculous–and… AWESOME! 😀

(I wish this pic was better quality but it was from an old phone.)

blue bowling ball

Check out the rest of the Color, Click, Capture project here.

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  1. WOW! These are amazing! I love how vivid the blue is in the first one.

  2. Sarah BB @ East9thStreet says:

    He trusted you not to drop the ball on his head, my husband wouldn’t have. 🙂

    1. LOL Yeah it was a big risk, especially for a first date! 🙂

  3. Saturday Sadie says:

    So beautiful. I love the one of your son on the beach, how you caught his energetic personality right there in the shot. And look at that sky! Such an amazing transition from deep blue to blood orange, plus you got a star or Venus in there! I love when that happens!

  4. Melissa Rheinlander says:

    Beautiful pics… I have actually been in the water snorkeling when a HUGE school of jelly fish surrounded us!! I really wish I had pics from it… it was crazy!!!

  5. Heather Johnson says:

    The jelly fish are absolutely gorgeous and just plain neat!

  6. Natalie Z says:

    What a great variety! When I was a toddler, I was stung by a jellyfish (still have a scar physically & mentally). However, when we go to the aquarium, I have to agree they are mesmerizing 🙂 You always take the most amazing pictures it is quite inspiring!

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